Kemal Onder Cetin
Kemal Onder Cetin
Professor of Geotechnical and Earthquake Engineering at Middle East Technical University
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Standard penetration test-based probabilistic and deterministic assessment of seismic soil liquefaction potential
KO Cetin, RB Seed, A Der Kiureghian, K Tokimatsu, LF Harder Jr, ...
Journal of geotechnical and geoenvironmental engineering 130 (12), 1314-1340, 2004
Recent advances in soil liquefaction engineering: a unified and consistent framework
RB Seed, KO Cetin, RES Moss, AM Kammerer, J Wu, JM Pestana, ...
Proceedings of the 26th Annual ASCE Los Angeles Geotechnical Spring Seminar …, 2003
CPT-based probabilistic and deterministic assessment of in situ seismic soil liquefaction potential
RE Moss, RB Seed, RE Kayen, JP Stewart, A Der Kiureghian, KO Cetin
Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering 132 (8), 1032-1051, 2006
Shear-wave velocity–based probabilistic and deterministic assessment of seismic soil liquefaction potential
R Kayen, RES Moss, EM Thompson, RB Seed, KO Cetin, AD Kiureghian, ...
Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering 139 (3), 407-419, 2013
Subsurface characterization at ground failure sites in Adapazari, Turkey
JD Bray, RB Sancio, T Durgunoglu, A Onalp, TL Youd, JP Stewart, ...
Journal of geotechnical and geoenvironmental engineering 130 (7), 673-685, 2004
Recent advances in soil liquefaction engineering and seismic site response evaluation
RB Seed, KO Cetin, RES Moss, AM Kammerer, J Wu, JM Pestana, ...
University of Missouri--Rolla, 2001
Probabilistic models for the initiation of seismic soil liquefaction
KO Cetin, A Der Kiureghian, RB Seed
Structural safety 24 (1), 67-82, 2002
Probabilistic model for the assessment of cyclically induced reconsolidation (volumetric) settlements
KO Cetin, HT Bilge, J Wu, AM Kammerer, RB Seed
Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering 135 (3), 387-398, 2009
Nonlinear shear mass participation factor (rd) for cyclic shear stress ratio evaluation
KO Cetin, RB Seed
Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 24 (2), 103-113, 2004
Damage patterns and foundation performance in Adapazari
JD Bray, JP Stewart, KÖ Çetin
SPT-based probabilistic and deterministic assessment of seismic soil liquefaction triggering hazard
KO Cetin, RB Seed, RE Kayen, RES Moss, HT Bilge, M Ilgac, ...
Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 115, 698-709, 2018
Reliability based assessment of seismic soil liquefaction initiation hazard
KÖ Çetin
University of California, Berkeley, 2000
CPT-based probabilistic soil characterization and classification
KO Cetin, C Ozan
Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering 135 (1), 84-107, 2009
Earthquake-induced liquefaction around marine structures
BM Sumer, A Ansal, KO Cetin, J Damgaard, AR Gunbak, NEO Hansen, ...
Journal of waterway, port, coastal, and ocean engineering 133 (1), 55-82, 2007
Liquefaction-induced ground deformations at Hotel Sapanca during Kocaeli (Izmit), Turkey earthquake
KO Cetin, TL Youd, RB Seed, JD Bray, R Sancio, W Lettis, MT Yilmaz, ...
Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 22 (9-12), 1083-1092, 2002
Liquefaction-induced lateral spreading at Izmit Bay during the Kocaeli (Izmit)-Turkey earthquake
KO Cetin, TL Youd, RB Seed, JD Bray, JP Stewart, HT Durgunoglu, ...
Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering 130 (12), 1300-1313, 2004
Cyclic large strain and induced pore pressure models for saturated clean sands
KO Cetin, HT Bilge
Journal of geotechnical and geoenvironmental engineering 138 (3), 309-323, 2012
Seismically induced landslide at Degirmendere Nose, Izmit Bay during Kocaeli (Izmit)-Turkey earthquake
KO Cetin, N Isik, B Unutmaz
Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 24 (3), 189-197, 2004
Next-generation liquefaction database
SJ Brandenberg, P Zimmaro, JP Stewart, DY Kwak, KW Franke, ...
Earthquake Spectra 36 (2), 939-959, 2020
Probabilistic models for cyclic straining of saturated clean sands
KO Cetin, HT Bilge, J Wu, AM Kammerer, RB Seed
Journal of geotechnical and geoenvironmental engineering 135 (3), 371-386, 2009
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Articles 1–20