Joerg Schmiedmayer
Joerg Schmiedmayer
TU Wien, Vienna Center for Quantum Science and Technology
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Optics and interferometry with atoms and molecules
AD Cronin, J Schmiedmayer, DE Pritchard
Reviews of Modern Physics 81 (3), 1051-1129, 2009
Relaxation and prethermalization in an isolated quantum system
M Gring, M Kuhnert, T Langen, T Kitagawa, B Rauer, M Schreitl, I Mazets, ...
Science 337 (6100), 1318-1322, 2012
Matter-wave interferometry in a double well on an atom chip
T Schumm, S Hofferberth, LM Andersson, S Wildermuth, S Groth, ...
Nature physics 1 (1), 57-62, 2005
Microscopic atom optics: from wires to an atom chip
R Folman, P Krüger, J Schmiedmayer, J Denschlag, C Henkel
Advances in atomic, molecular, and optical physics 48, 263-356, 2002
Quantum technologies with hybrid systems
G Kurizki, P Bertet, Y Kubo, K Mølmer, D Petrosyan, P Rabl, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 112 (13), 3866-3873, 2015
Non-equilibrium coherence dynamics in one-dimensional Bose gases
S Hofferberth, I Lesanovsky, B Fischer, T Schumm, J Schmiedmayer
Nature 449 (7160), 324-327, 2007
Experimental observation of a generalized Gibbs ensemble
T Langen, S Erne, R Geiger, B Rauer, T Schweigler, M Kuhnert, ...
Science 348 (6231), 207-211, 2015
Controlling cold atoms using nanofabricated surfaces: Atom chips
R Folman, P Krüger, D Cassettari, B Hessmo, T Maier, J Schmiedmayer
Physical Review Letters 84 (20), 4749, 2000
Experimental demonstration of a BDCZ quantum repeater node
ZS Yuan, YA Chen, B Zhao, S Chen, J Schmiedmayer, JW Pan
Nature 454 (7208), 1098-1101, 2008
Local emergence of thermal correlations in an isolated quantum many-body system
T Langen, R Geiger, M Kuhnert, B Rauer, J Schmiedmayer
Nature Physics 9 (10), 640-643, 2013
Ultracold atoms out of equilibrium
T Langen, R Geiger, J Schmiedmayer
Annu. Rev. Condens. Matter Phys. 6 (1), 201-217, 2015
Measurement of the electric polarizability of sodium with an atom interferometer
CR Ekstrom, J Schmiedmayer, MS Chapman, TD Hammond, DE Pritchard
Physical Review A 51 (5), 3883, 1995
Cavity QED with magnetically coupled collective spin states
R Amsüss, C Koller, T Nöbauer, S Putz, S Rotter, K Sandner, S Schneider, ...
Physical review letters 107 (6), 060502, 2011
Atom wave interferometry with diffraction gratings of light
EM Rasel, MK Oberthaler, H Batelaan, J Schmiedmayer, A Zeilinger
Physical Review Letters 75 (14), 2633, 1995
Quantum gates with neutral atoms: Controlling collisional interactions in time-dependent traps
T Calarco, EA Hinds, D Jaksch, J Schmiedmayer, JI Cirac, P Zoller
Physical Review A 61 (2), 022304, 2000
Photon scattering from atoms in an atom interferometer: coherence lost and regained
MS Chapman, TD Hammond, A Lenef, J Schmiedmayer, RA Rubenstein, ...
Physical Review Letters 75 (21), 3783, 1995
A millisecond quantum memory for scalable quantum networks
B Zhao, YA Chen, XH Bao, T Strassel, CS Chuu, XM Jin, J Schmiedmayer, ...
Nature Physics 5 (2), 95-99, 2009
Guiding neutral atoms with a wire
J Denschlag, D Cassettari, J Schmiedmayer
Physical Review Letters 82 (10), 2014, 1999
Beam splitter for guided atoms
D Cassettari, B Hessmo, R Folman, T Maier, J Schmiedmayer
Physical Review Letters 85 (26), 5483, 2000
Probing quantum and thermal noise in an interacting many-body system
S Hofferberth, I Lesanovsky, T Schumm, A Imambekov, V Gritsev, ...
Nature Physics 4 (6), 489-495, 2008
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Articles 1–20