Robert Muller
Cited by
Cited by
A calculus with polymorphic and polyvariant flow types
JB Wells, A Dimock, R Muller, F Turbak
Journal of Functional Programming 12 (3), 183-227, 2002
Safe and decidable type checking in an object-oriented language
KB Bruce, J Crabtree, TP Murtagh, R van Gent, A Dimock, R Muller
Proceedings of the eighth annual conference on Object-oriented programming …, 1993
Strongly typed flow-directed representation transformations
A Dimock, R Muller, F Turbak, JB Wells
ACM SIGPLAN Notices 32 (8), 11-24, 1997
A typed intermediate language for flow-directed compilation
JB Wells, A Dimock, R Muller, F Turbak
TAPSOFT'97: Theory and Practice of Software Development: 7th International …, 1997
M-LISP: A representation-independent dialect of LISP with reduction semantics
R Muller
ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems (TOPLAS) 14 (4), 589-616, 1992
Compiling with polymorphic and polyvariant flow types
F Turbak, A Dimock, R Muller, JB Wells
Proc. First Int’l Workshop on Types in Compilation 116, 1997
Functioning without closure: Type-safe customized function representations for Standard ML
A Dimock, I Westmacott, R Muller, F Turbak, JB Wells
Proceedings of the sixth ACM SIGPLAN international conference on Functional …, 2001
Program representation size in an intermediate language with intersection and union types
A Dimock, I Westmacott, R Muller, F Turbak, JB Wells, J Considine
International Workshop on Types in Compilation, 27-52, 2000
Space issues in compiling with intersection and union types
A Dimock, I Westmacott, R Muller, F Turbak, JB Wells, J Considine
Preliminary Proceedings of the Third Workshop on Types in Compilation (TIC …, 2000
A staging calculus and its application to the verification of translators (preliminary report)
R Muller
Proceedings of the 21st ACM SIGPLAN-SIGACT symposium on Principles of …, 1994
M-LISP: Its natural semantics and equational logic
R Muller
ACM SIGPLAN Notices 26 (9), 234-242, 1991
Abstract interpretation in weak powerdomains
R Muller, Y Zhou
Proceedings of the 1992 ACM conference on LISP and functional programming …, 1992
Inferring annotated types for inter-procedural register allocation with constructor flattening
T Amtoft, R Muller
Proceedings of the 2003 ACM SIGPLAN international workshop on Types in …, 2003
Domain theory for nonmonotonic functions
Y Zhou, R Muller
International Conference on Algebraic and Logic Programming, 144-157, 1990
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Articles 1–14