Reza Ghasemi
Reza Ghasemi
Senior Reservoir Engineer at Stone Ridge Technology
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Fast multiscale reservoir simulations using pod-deim model reduction
M Ghasemi, Y Yang, E Gildin, Y Efendiev, V Calo
SPE Reservoir Simulation Conference?, D031S010R005, 2015
Nonlinear complexity reduction for fast simulation of flow in heterogeneous porous media
E Gildin, M Ghasemi, A Romanovskay, Y Efendiev
SPE Reservoir Simulation Conference?, SPE-163618-MS, 2013
Fast multiscale reservoir simulations with POD-DEIM model reduction
Y Yang, M Ghasemi, E Gildin, Y Efendiev, V Calo
SPE Journal 21 (06), 2141-2154, 2016
Complexity Reduction of Multiphase Flows in Heterogeneous Porous Media
M Ghommem, E Gildin, M Ghasemi
SPE Journal, 2015
Reduced Order Modeling in Reservoir Simulation Using the Bilinear Approximation Techniques
M Ghasemi, A Ibrahim, E Gildin
SPE Latin America and Caribbean Petroleum Engineering Conference, 2014
Zonal Isolation in Geothermal Wells
A Shadravan, M Ghasemi, M Alfi
Hybrid optimization for closed-loop reservoir management
MA Pinto, M Ghasemi, N Sorek, E Gildin, DJ Schiozer
SPE Reservoir Simulation Conference?, D012S021R010, 2015
Model order reduction in porous media flow simulation using quadratic bilinear formulation
M Ghasemi, E Gildin
Computational Geosciences, 1-13, 2015
Localized Model Reduction in Porous Media Flow
M Ghasemi, E Gildin
2nd IFAC Workshop on Automatic Control in Offshore Oil and Gas 48 (6), 242–247, 2015
Act-and-wait control of discrete systems with random delays
M Ghasemi, S Zhao, T Insperger, T Kalmár-Nagy
American Control Conference (ACC), 2012, 5440-5443, 2012
A New Model Reduction Technique Applied to Reservoir Simulation
E Gildin, M Ghasemi
ECMOR XIV-14th European conference on the mathematics of oil recovery, 2014
Localized model order reduction in porous media flow simulation
M Ghasemi, E Gildin
Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 145, 689-703, 2016
Nonlinear complexity reduction for fast simulation of flow in heterogeneous porous media
Y Efendiev, A Romanovskay, E Gildin, M Ghasemi
SPE Reservoir Simulation Symposium. Society of Petroleum Engineers, The …, 2013
Probabilistic Uncertainty Quantification of a Complex Field Using Advanced Proxy Based Methods and GPU-Based Reservoir Simulation
N Goodwin, K Esler, M Ghasemi, K Mukundakrishnan, H Wang, J Gilman, ...
SPE Reservoir Simulation Conference, 2017
Model order reduction in porous media flow simulation and optimization
M Ghasemi
Texas A&M University, 2015
Hybrid optimization for closed-loop reservoir management
M Augusto, S Pinto, S Catarina, M Ghasemi, N Sorek, E Gildin
SPE Journal 1, 1-11, 2015
Unconventional Reservoir Model Predictions Using Massively-Parallel Flow-Simulation: Bakken/Three Forks Reservoir Development Cases and SRV Testing
M Shahvali, JR Gilman, O Angola, M Uland, H Meng, K Esler, ...
SPE Low Perm Symposium, 2016
Reduced order modeling in reservoir simulation using the bilinear approximation techniques
E Gildin, A Ibrahim, M Ghasemi
SPE Latin American and Caribbean Petroleum Engineering Conference (LACPEC …, 2014
Probabilistic Uncertainty Quantification of a Complex Field Using Advanced Proxy Based Methods and GPU-Based Reservoir Simulation
R Ghasemi
2017 SPE-GSC Reservoir Technology Forum, 2017
A High Performance Reservoir Simulator on GPU
R Ghasemi, R Gandham, E Yang, K Mukundakrishnan
Rice Oil & Gas HPC Conference, 2016
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Articles 1–20