Paula C. Furey
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Cited by
Diatoms abound in ice-covered Lake Erie: An investigation of offshore winter limnology in Lake Erie over the period 2007 to 2010
MR Twiss, RML McKay, RA Bourbonniere, GS Bullerjahn, HJ Carrick, ...
Journal of Great Lakes Research 38 (1), 18-30, 2012
1552012 supporting taxonomists, connecting communities
SA Spaulding, MG Potapova, IW Bishop, SS Lee, TS Gasperak, ...
Diatom Research 36 (4), 291-304, 2021
Water level drawdown affects physical and biogeochemical properties of littoral sediments of a reservoir and a natural lake
PC Furey, RN Nordin, A Mazumder
Lake and Reservoir Management 20 (4), 280-295, 2004
Littoral benthic macroinvertebrates under contrasting drawdown in a reservoir and a natural lake
PC Furey, RN Nordin, A Mazumder
Journal of the North American Benthological Society 25 (1), 19-31, 2006
Algal mats and insect emergence in rivers under Mediterranean climates: towards photogrammetric surveillance
M Power, R Lowe, P Furey, J Welter, M Limm, J Finlay, C Bode, S Chang, ...
Freshwater Biology 54 (10), 2101-2115, 2009
Diatoms of North America
SA Spaulding, IW Bishop, MB Edlund, S Lee, P Furey, E Jovanovska, ...
Available in: https://diatoms. org/what-are-diatoms. Accessed 25, 2020
Eunotia Ehrenberg (Bacillariophyta) of the Great Smoky Mountains National Park, USA
PC Furey, RL Lowe, JR Johansen
Schweizerbart'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung, 2011
Diatom biodiversity and distribution on wetwalls in Great Smoky Mountains National Park
RL Lowe, PC Furey, JA Ress, JR Johansen
Southeastern Naturalist 6 (sp2), 135-152, 2007
Midges, Cladophora, and epiphytes: shifting interactions through succession
PC Furey, RL Lowe, ME Power, AM Campbell-Craven
Freshwater Science 31 (1), 93-107, 2012
New algal species records for Great Smoky Mountains National Park, with an annotated checklist of all reported algal taxa for the park
JR Johansen, RL Lowe, S Carty, K Fučiková, CE Olsen, MH Fitzpatrick, ...
Southeastern naturalist 6 (sp2), 99-134, 2007
Changes in feeding selectivity of freshwater invertebrates across a natural thermal gradient
TAC Gordon, J Neto-Cerejeira, PC Furey, EJ O’Gorman
Current Zoology 64 (2), 231-242, 2018
P Furey
Diatoms of North America, 2010
Teratology in Eunotia taxa in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park and description of Eunotia macroglossa sp. nov.
PC Furey, RL Lowe, JR Johansen
Diatom Research 24 (2), 273-290, 2009
Luticola grupcei (Bacillariophyceae)-a new freshwater diatom from Mountain Baba (Macedonia) and Great Smoky Mountains National Park (USA): comparison with the type material of …
A Pavlov, T Nakov, Z Levkov, P Furey, R Lowe, L Ector
Nova Hedwigia 89 (1), 147, 2009
The perils of unpalatable periphyton: Didymosphenia and other mucilaginous stalked diatoms as food for tadpoles
PC Furey, SJ Kupferberg, AJ Lind
Diatom Research, Volume 0, Issue 0, 1-14;, 2014
Microdistributional variability of larval caddisflies in Mediterranean-climate streams in northern California
JR Holomuzki, PC Furey, RL Lowe, ME Power
Western North American Naturalist 73 (3), 261-269, 2013
New and interesting aerial diatom assemblages from southwestern Iceland
PC Furey, KM Manoylov, RL Lowe
Phytotaxa 428 (3), 2020
Frankophila wayqechae sp. nov., a new aerophilic diatom species from the Peruvian Andes, South America
PC Furey, S Mayama, RL Lowe, A Catenazzi
Diatom Research 27 (3), 165-175, 2012
Wet wall algal community response to in-field nutrient manipulation in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park, USA
PC Furey, RL Lowe, JR Johansen
Algol Stud 125, 17-43, 2007
Representatives of the genus Aulacoseira Thwaites in NAWQA samples
MG Potapova, R Bixby, DF Charles, MB Edlund, ME Enache, P Furey, ...
Eighteenth NAWQA Workshop on Harmonization of Algal Taxonomy, 08-07, 2007
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Articles 1–20