Galina Schwartz
Galina Schwartz
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Cited by
Modeling cyber-insurance: towards a unifying framework.
R Böhme, G Schwartz
WEIS, 2010
Security of interdependent and identical networked control systems
S Amin, GA Schwartz, SS Sastry
Automatica 49 (1), 186-192, 2013
A two-sided market analysis of provider investment incentives with an application to the net-neutrality issue
J Musacchio, G Schwartz, J Walrand
Review of Network Economics 8 (1), 2009
Game-theoretic models of electricity theft detection in smart utility networks: Providing new capabilities with advanced metering infrastructure
S Amin, GA Schwartz, AA Cardenas, SS Sastry
IEEE Control Systems Magazine 35 (1), 66-81, 2015
A game theory model for electricity theft detection and privacy-aware control in AMI systems
AA Cárdenas, S Amin, G Schwartz, R Dong, S Sastry
2012 50th Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and …, 2012
Competitive cyber-insurance and internet security
N Shetty, G Schwartz, M Felegyhazi, J Walrand
Economics of information security and privacy, 229-247, 2010
In quest of benchmarking security risks to cyber-physical systems
S Amin, GA Schwartz, A Hussain
IEEE Network 27 (1), 19-24, 2013
Internet QoS and regulations
N Shetty, G Schwartz, J Walrand
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking 18 (6), 1725-1737, 2010
Cyber-insurance framework for large scale interdependent networks
GA Schwartz, SS Sastry
Proceedings of the 3rd international conference on High confidence networked …, 2014
Incentives and security in electricity distribution networks
S Amin, GA Schwartz, H Tembine
International Conference on Decision and Game Theory for Security, 264-280, 2012
The heterogeneous colonel blotto game
G Schwartz, P Loiseau, SS Sastry
2014 7th international conference on NETwork Games, COntrol and OPtimization …, 2014
Can competitive insurers improve network security?
N Shetty, G Schwartz, J Walrand
Trust and Trustworthy Computing: Third International Conference, TRUST 2010 …, 2010
Network neutrality and provider investment incentives
J Musacchio, J Walrand, G Schwartz
2007 Conference Record of the Forty-First Asilomar Conference on Signals …, 2007
A three-stage Colonel Blotto game with applications to cyberphysical security
A Gupta, G Schwartz, C Langbort, SS Sastry, T Bařar
2014 American Control Conference, 3820-3825, 2014
Incentive mechanisms for internet congestion management: Fixed-budget rebate versus time-of-day pricing
P Loiseau, G Schwartz, J Musacchio, S Amin, SS Sastry
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking 22 (2), 647-661, 2013
Effects of information heterogeneity in Bayesian routing games
J Liu, S Amin, G Schwartz
arXiv preprint arXiv:1603.08853, 2016
Incentive schemes for internet congestion management: Raffles versus time-of-day pricing
P Loiseau, G Schwartz, J Musacchio, S Amin
2011 49th Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and …, 2011
Interdependence of Reliability and Security.
P Honeyman, GA Schwartz, AC Assche
WEIS, 2007
Why cyber-insurance contracts fail to reflect cyber-risks
G Schwartz, N Shetty, J Walrand
2013 51st Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and …, 2013
Cyber-insurance: Missing market driven by user heterogeneity
G Schwartz, N Shetty, J Walrand
preparation, www. eecs. berkeley. edu/nikhils/SecTypes. pdf, 2010
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Articles 1–20