Stephen Clement
Stephen Clement
USDA, Washington State University (retired)
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Molecular bases of plant resistance to arthropods
CM Smith, SL Clement
Annual review of entomology 57 (1), 309-328, 2012
Bruchins: insect-derived plant regulators that stimulate neoplasm formation
RP Doss, JE Oliver, WM Proebsting, SW Potter, SR Kuy, SL Clement, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 97 (11), 6218-6223, 2000
Prevalence of interspecific hybrids amongst asexual fungal endophytes of grasses
CD Moon, KD Craven, A Leuchtmann, SL Clement, CL Schardl
Molecular Ecology 13 (6), 1455-1467, 2004
Production and breeding of lentil.
FJ Muehlbauer, WJ Kaiser, SL Clement, RJ Summerfield
Biotype composition of Hessian fly (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) populations from the southeastern, midwestern, and northwestern United States and virulence to resistance genes in wheat
RH Ratcliffe, SE Cambron, KL Flanders, NA Bosque-Perez, SL Clement, ...
Journal of Economic Entomology 93 (4), 1319-1328, 2000
Analyses of selected endophyte-infected grasses for the presence of loline-type and ergot-type alkaloids
MR TePaske, RG Powell, SL Clement
Journal of agricultural and food chemistry 41 (12), 2299-2303, 1993
Open-field tests in host-specificity determination of insects for biological control of weeds
SL Clement, M Cristofaro
Biocontrol Science and Technology 5 (4), 395-406, 1995
Variation among Accessions of Pisum fulvum for Resistance to Pea Weevil
SL Clement, DC Hardie, LR Elberson
Crop Science 42 (6), 2167-2173, 2002
Host plant resistance and insect pest management in chickpea.
HC Sharma, CLL Gowda, PC Stevenson, TJ Ridsdill-Smith, SL Clement, ...
Chickpea breeding and management, 520-537, 2007
Acremonium endophytes in germplasms of major grasses and their utilization for insect resistance
SL Clement, WJ Kaiser, E Herb
Biotechnology of endophytic fungi of grasses, 185-199, 2018
Fungal endophytes of wild barley and their effects on Diuraphis noxia population development
SL Clement, AD Wilson, DG Lester, CM Davitt
Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata 82 (3), 275-281, 1997
Pea weevil, Bruchus pisorum L. (Coleoptera: Bruchidae), resistance in Pisum sativum×Pisum fulvum interspecific crosses
SL Clement, KE McPhee, LR Elberson, MA Evans
Plant Breeding 128 (5), 478-485, 2009
Incidence and Diversity of Neotyphodium Fungal Endophytes in Tall Fescue from Morocco, Tunisia, and Sardinia
SL Clement, LR Elberson, NN Youssef, CM Davitt, RP Doss
Crop Science 41 (2), 570-576, 2001
Isolation of resveratrol from Festuca versuta and evidence for the widespread occurrence of this stilbene in the Poaceae
RG Powell, MR TePaske, RD Plattner, JF White, SL Clement
Phytochemistry 35 (2), 335-338, 1994
Research achievements in plant resistance to insect pests of cool season food legumes
SL Clement, N El-Din Sharaf El-Din, S Weigand, SS Lateef
Euphytica 73, 41-50, 1993
Opportunities for integrated management of insect pests of grain legumes
SL Clement, JA Wightman, DC Hardie, P Bailey, G Baker, G McDonald
Linking Research and Marketing Opportunities for Pulses in the 21st Century …, 2000
Detrimental and neutral effects of wild barley–Neotyphodium fungal endophyte associations on insect survival
SL Clement, LR Elberson, NA Bosque‐Perez, DJ Schotzko
Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata 114 (2), 119-125, 2005
Assessment of soybean germplasm for multiple insect resistance
DJ Boethel
Global plant genetic resources for insect-resistant crops, 101-129, 2019
Response ofNp mutant of pea (Pisum sativum L.) to pea weevil (Bruchus pisorum L.) oviposition and extracts
RP Doss, WM Proebsting, SW Potter, SL Clement
Journal of chemical ecology 21, 97-106, 1995
Bean germplasm resources for insect resistance
C Cardona, J Kornegay
Global plant genetic resources for insect-resistant crops, 85-99, 2019
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Articles 1–20