Rolf Jansen
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Spectroscopic discovery of the supernova 2003dh associated with GRB 030329
KZ Stanek, T Matheson, PM Garnavich, P Martini, P Berlind, N Caldwell, ...
The Astrophysical Journal 591 (1), L17, 2003
BVRI light curves for 22 type Ia supernovae
AG Riess, RP Kirshner, BP Schmidt, S Jha, P Challis, PM Garnavich, ...
The Astronomical Journal 117 (2), 707, 1999
[O ii] as a star formation rate indicator
LJ Kewley, MJ Geller, RA Jansen
The Astronomical Journal 127 (4), 2002, 2004
Photometry and spectroscopy of GRB 030329 and its associated supernova 2003dh: the first two months
T Matheson, PM Garnavich, KZ Stanek, D Bersier, ST Holland, ...
The Astrophysical Journal 599 (1), 394, 2003
Aperture effects on star formation rate, metallicity, and reddening
LJ Kewley, RA Jansen, MJ Geller
Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific 117 (829), 227, 2005
Spectrophotometry of nearby field galaxies: The data
RA Jansen, D Fabricant, M Franx, N Caldwell
arXiv preprint astro-ph/9910095, 1999
The Hα and Infrared Star Formation Rates for the Nearby Field Galaxy Survey
LJ Kewley, MJ Geller, RA Jansen, MA Dopita
The Astronomical Journal 124 (6), 3135, 2002
Surface photometry of nearby field galaxies: The data
RA Jansen, M Franx, D Fabricant, N Caldwell
arXiv preprint astro-ph/9910075, 1999
Measurements of extragalactic background light from the far UV to the far IR from deep ground-and space-based galaxy counts
SP Driver, SK Andrews, LJ Davies, ASG Robotham, AH Wright, ...
The Astrophysical Journal 827 (2), 108, 2016
A Hubble Space Telescope survey of the mid-ultraviolet morphology of nearby galaxies
RA Windhorst, VA Taylor, RA Jansen, SC Odewahn, CAT Chiarenza, ...
The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 143 (1), 113, 2002
[O II] as a tracer of current star formation
RA Jansen, M Franx, D Fabricant
The Astrophysical Journal 551 (2), 825, 2001
On the observability of individual population III stars and their stellar-mass black hole accretion disks through cluster caustic transits
RA Windhorst, FX Timmes, JSB Wyithe, M Alpaslan, SK Andrews, D Coe, ...
The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 234 (2), 41, 2018
JWST PEARLS. prime extragalactic areas for reionization and lensing science: project overview and first results
RA Windhorst, SH Cohen, RA Jansen, J Summers, S Tompkins, ...
The Astronomical Journal 165 (1), 13, 2022
Caught in the act: A helium-reionizing quasar near the line of sight to Q0302-003
P Jakobsen, RA Jansen, S Wagner, D Reimers
Astronomy & Astrophysics 397 (3), 891-898, 2003
Ubvr and hubble space telescope mid-ultraviolet and near-infrared surface photometry and radial color gradients of late-type, irregular, and peculiar galaxies
VA Taylor, RA Jansen, RA Windhorst, SC Odewahn, JE Hibbard
The Astrophysical Journal 630 (2), 784, 2005
Lyman continuum escape fraction of faint galaxies at z~ 3.3 in the CANDELS/GOODS-North, EGS, and COSMOS fields with LBC
A Grazian, E Giallongo, D Paris, K Boutsia, M Dickinson, P Santini, ...
Astronomy & Astrophysics 602, A18, 2017
Dependence of galaxy structure on rest-frame wavelength and galaxy type
VA Taylor-Mager, CJ Conselice, RA Windhorst, RA Jansen
The Astrophysical Journal 659 (1), 162, 2007
Tracing galaxy assembly: tadpole galaxies in the hubble ultra deep field
AN Straughn, SH Cohen, RE Ryan, NP Hathi, RA Windhorst, RA Jansen
The Astrophysical Journal 639 (2), 724, 2006
Emission-line galaxies from the hubble space telescope probing evolution and reionization spectroscopically (PEARS) grism survey. I. the south fields
AN Straughn, N Pirzkal, GR Meurer, SH Cohen, RA Windhorst, S Malhotra, ...
The Astronomical Journal 138 (4), 1022, 2009
How JWST can measure first light, reionization and galaxy assembly
RA Windhorst, SH Cohen, RA Jansen, C Conselice, H Yan
New Astronomy Reviews 50 (1-3), 113-120, 2006
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Articles 1–20