Yael Sidi
Yael Sidi
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Understanding metacognitive inferiority on screen by exposing cues for depth of processing
Y Sidi, M Shpigelman, H Zalmanov, R Ackerman
Learning and instruction 51, 61-73, 2017
Generalizing screen inferiority-does the medium, screen versus paper, affect performance even with brief tasks?
Y Sidi, Y Ophir, R Ackerman
Metacognition and Learning 11, 15-33, 2016
You may be more original than you think: Predictable biases in self-assessment of originality
Y Sidi, I Torgovitsky, D Soibelman, E Miron-Spektor, R Ackerman
Acta Psychologica 203, 103002, 2020
Feeling happy and (over) confident: The role of positive affect in metacognitive processes
Y Sidi, R Ackerman, A Erez
Cognition and Emotion 32 (4), 876-884, 2018
From face-to-face to online: Teachers' perceived experiences in online distance teaching during the Covid-19 pandemic
Y Sidi, T Shamir-Inbal, Y Eshet-Alkalai
Computers & Education 201, 104831, 2023
A metacognitive perspective of visual working memory with rich complex objects
T Sahar, Y Sidi, T Makovski
Frontiers in Psychology 11, 179, 2020
Exploring body image, strength of faith, and media exposure among three denominations of Jewish women
S Geller, J Handelzalts, R Gelfat, S Arbel, Y Sidi, S Levy
Current Psychology 39, 1774-1784, 2020
How is the ethical dissonance index affected by technology, academic dishonesty type and individual differences?
Y Sidi, I Blau, Y Eshet‐Alkalai
British Journal of Educational Technology 50 (6), 3300-3314, 2019
Body-image, quality of life and psychological distress: a comparison between kidney transplant patients and a matching healthy sample
Y Yagil, S Geller, S Levy, Y Sidi, S Aharoni
Psychology, health & medicine 23 (4), 424-433, 2018
Comparing mental effort, difficulty, and confidence appraisals in problem-solving: A metacognitive perspective
E Hoch, Y Sidi, R Ackerman, V Hoogerheide, K Scheiter
Educational Psychology Review 35 (2), 61, 2023
The implications of body-image dissatisfaction among kidney-transplant recipients
Y Yagil, S Geller, Y Sidi, Y Tirosh, P Katz, R Nakache
Psychology, health & medicine 20 (8), 955-962, 2015
The role of answer fluency and perceptual fluency in the monitoring and control of reasoning: Reply to
VA Thompson, R Ackerman, Y Sidi, LJ Ball, G Pennycook, JAP Turner
Cognition 128 (2), 256-258, 2013
Body image among Muslim women in Israel: exploring religion and sociocultural pressures
Y Sidi, S Geller, A Abu Sinni, S Levy, JE Handelzalts
Women & Health 60 (10), 1095-1108, 2020
Do you get what I mean?!? The undesirable outcomes of (ab) using paralinguistic cues in computer-mediated communication
Y Sidi, E Glikson, A Cheshin
Frontiers in psychology 12, 658844, 2021
Generalizing screen inferiority—Does the medium, screen versus paper, affect performance even with brief tasks? Metacognition and Learning, 11 (1), 15–33
Y Sidi, Y Ophir, R Ackerman
DOI, 2016
Mapping active and collaborative learning in higher education through annotations in hyper‐video by learning analytics
Y Sidi, I Blau, T Shamir‐Inbal
Journal of Computer Assisted Learning 38 (6), 1752-1764, 2022
Body image and religion: Explicit and implicit attitudes among three denominations of Jewish women.
S Geller, Y Sidi, S Levy, JE Handelzalts
Psychology of Religion and Spirituality 15 (3), 418, 2023
Religion and appearance investment: the mediating role of internalisation of socio-cultural pressures, in Jewish Israeli women
JE Handelzalts, S Geller, Y Sidi, S Levy
Mental Health, Religion & Culture 23 (1), 54-66, 2020
Opting Out as an Untapped Resource in Instructional Design: Review and Implications
Y Sidi, R Ackerman
Educational Psychology Review 36 (2), 41, 2024
Objects’ perceived meaningfulness predicts both subjective memorability judgments and actual memory performance
R Shoval, N Gronau, Y Sidi, T Makovski
Visual Cognition 31 (6), 472-484, 2023
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Articles 1–20