Sri Umi Mintarti Widjaja
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Pengaruh literasi keuangan dan pengendalian diri terhadap perilaku konsumtif mahasiswa jurusan ekonomi pembangunan fakultas ekonomi universitas negeri malang angkatan 2013
O Dikria, SU Mintarti
Jurnal Pendidikan Ekonomi 9 (2), 128-139, 2016
Membentuk kecerdasan spiritual anak
W Siswanto, LN Kholidah, SUM Widjaja
Amzah 1 (2), 2010
Does Islamic values matter for Indonesian students’ entrepreneurial intention? The mediating role of entrepreneurial inspiration and attitude
A Wibowo, SUM Widjaja, SH Utomo, DD Kusumojanto, C Wardoyo, ...
Journal of Islamic Accounting and Business Research 13 (2), 242-263, 2022
The Effect of Using Simulation on Developing Students' Character Education in Learning Economics.
F Amri, ET Djatmika, H Wahyono, SUM Widjaja
International Journal of Instruction 13 (4), 375-392, 2020
Analisis perilaku konsumtif dan perilaku menabung mahasiswa penerima beasiswa bidikmisi di jurusan ekonomi pembangunan fakultas ekonomi universitas negeri malang angkatan 2014
AA Rohman
Universitas Negeri Malang. Program Studi Pendidikan Biologi, 2018
Pancasila Economic Character Literacy Program for High School Students.
SUM Widjaja, A Haryono, H Wahyono
International Journal of Instruction 14 (1), 235-252, 2021
The effect of curriculum 2013 on economics learning achievement: Motivation as mediating variable
A Setiawan, SUM Widjaja, DD Kusumajanto, H Wahyono
Cakrawala Pendidikan 39 (2), 444-459, 2020
The effect of curriculum 2013 on economics learning achievement: Motivation as mediating variable. Cakrawala Pendidikan, 39 (2), 444–459
A Setiawan, SUM Widjaja, DD Kusumajanto, H Wahyono
Vocational education phenomena research method
LF Ariyani, SUM Widjaja, H Wahyono, A Haryono, JF Rusdi, CBA Pratama
MethodsX 8, 101537, 2021
Analisis prestasi akademik pada mahasiswa yang bekerja part-time di jurusan ekonomi pembangunan fakultas ekonomi universitas negeri malang angkatan 2014
GM Yahya, SUM Widjaja
Jurnal Pendidikan Ekonomi 12 (1), 46-52, 2019
The entrepreneurial learning of generation z students in industrial revolution era 4.0 (a case study in Tertiary Education of Yogyakarta and Surakarta, Indonesia)
A Susilo, ET Djatmika, SU Mintarti, H Wahyono
International Journal of Learning, Teaching and Educational Research 18 (9 …, 2019
Pengaruh latar belakang sosial ekonomi orang tua, pendidikan ekonomi di keluarga dan economic literacy terhadap perilaku konsumsi mahasiswa
W Aprillia, SU Mintarti, SH Utomo
Jurnal Pendidikan Humaniora (JPH) 3 (1), 78-84, 2016
Identifying factors affecting entrepreneurship education and entrepreneurial intention among Indonesian university students
SUM Widjaja, A Wibowo, BS Narmaditya, C Wardoyo, A Saptono
Entrepreneurial Business and Economics Review 10 (3), 89-104, 2022
Development of Economic Learning Model Based on Pancasila Values.
B Nor, ET Djatmika, SUM Widjaja, H Wahyono
International Journal of Instruction 15 (1), 259-276, 2022
The role of self-efficacy in mediating the effect of entrepreneurship education, economic literacy and family environment on entrepreneurial intentions for vocational school …
MS Rastiti, SUM Widjaja, P Handayati
Economics and Laws 24 (2), 26-42, 2021
Penggunaan e-wallet dalam membentuk perilaku konsumsi mahasiswa
AN Sari, SU Mintarti, SH Utomo
Jurnal Pendidikan: Teori, Penelitian, Dan Pengembangan 5 (12), 487210, 2020
The role of entrepreneurial education and Islamic values matter
A Wibowo, SUM Widjaja, SH Utomo, DD Kusumojanto, C Wardoyo, ...
International Journal of Evaluation and Research in Education 11 (3), 1607-1616, 2022
Financial literacy education models for 7-12 years old based on the local wisdom of Sasak tribe
BY Rizkiwati, SUM Widjaja, A Haryono, H Wahyono, MZ Majdi
Pegem Journal of Education and Instruction 12 (2), 58-70, 2022
Makna biogas sebagai sumber energi rumah tangga
RA Rachmawati, W Wahjoedi, SUM Widjaja
Jurnal Pendidikan: Teori, Penelitian, dan Pengembangan 2 (4), 211289, 2017
Rationality, Morality, Lifestyle And Altruism In Local Wisdom Economic Activities Of Nyatu Sap Artisans
ETD Eriawaty, SUM Widjaja, H Wahyono
Journal of Positive School Psychology, 5781-5797, 2022
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