mohamed menaa
Cited by
Cited by
LFC enhancement concerning large wind power integration using new optimised PID controller and RFBs
NEY Kouba, M Menaa, M Hasni, M Boudour
IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution 10 (16), 4065-4077, 2016
Load frequency control in multi-area power system based on fuzzy logic-PID controller
NELY Kouba, M Menaa, M Hasni, M Boudour
2015 IEEE International Conference on Smart Energy Grid Engineering (SEGE), 1-6, 2015
Optimal control of frequency and voltage variations using PID controller based on particle swarm optimization
NELY Kouba, M Menaa, M Hasni, M Boudour
2015 4th international conference on systems and control (ICSC), 424-429, 2015
Optimal load frequency control based on artificial bee colony optimization applied to single, two and multi-area interconnected power systems
NEY Kouba, M Menaa, M Hasni, M Boudour
2015 3rd International Conference on Control, Engineering & Information …, 2015
Sensorless direct vector control of an induction motor
M Menaa, O Touhami, R Ibtiouen, M Fadel
Control Engineering Practice 16 (1), 67-77, 2008
Control of transformerless grid-connected PV system using average models of power electronics converters with MATLAB/Simulink
B Fekkak, M Menaa, B Boussahoua
Solar Energy 173, 804-813, 2018
A novel optimal combined fuzzy PID controller employing dragonfly algorithm for solving automatic generation control problem
NELY Kouba, M Menaa, M Hasni, M Boudour
Electric Power Components and Systems 46 (19-20), 2054-2070, 2018
Optimal load frequency control in interconnected power system using PID controller based on particle swarm optimization
NELY Kouba, M Menaa, M Hasni, B Boussahoua, M Boudour
2014 International Conference on Electrical Sciences and Technologies in …, 2014
A new optimal load frequency control based on hybrid genetic algorithm and particle swarm optimization
NELY Kouba, M Menaa, M Hasni, M Boudour
International journal on electrical engineering and informatics 9 (3), 418-440, 2017
A novel optimized fuzzy-PID controller in two-area power system with HVDC link connection
NEY Kouba, M Menaa, M Hasni, K Tehrani, M Boudour
2016 International Conference on Control, Decision and Information …, 2016
A novel optimal frequency control strategy for an isolated wind–diesel hybrid system with energy storage devices
NELY Kouba, M Menaa, M Hasni, M Boudour
Wind Engineering 40 (6), 497-517, 2016
A novel robust automatic generation control in interconnected multi-area power system based on bat inspired algorithm
NEY Kouba, M Menaa, M Hasni, M Boudour
2015 3rd International Conference on Control, Engineering & Information …, 2015
Optimal load frequency control based on hybrid bacterial foraging and particle swarm optimization
NELY Kouba, M Menaa, M Hasni, B Boussahoua, M Boudour
2014 IEEE 11th International Multi-Conference on Systems, Signals & Devices …, 2014
Modeling and control of a doubly fed induction generator base wind turbine system
M Hallak, M Hasni, M Menaa
2018 International Conference on Electrical Sciences and Technologies in …, 2018
Sensorless indirect vector control of an induction motor by ANNs observer and EKF
K Gherram, K Yazid, M Menaa
18th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation, MED'10, 521-526, 2010
Fuzzy logic-based direct torque control for induction machine drive
K Bouhoune, K Yazid, MS Boucherit, M Menaa
2017 25th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation (MED), 577-582, 2017
Control of grid‐connected PMSG‐based wind turbine system with back‐to‐back converters topology using a new PIL integration method
B Fekkak, M Menaa, A Loukriz, A Kouzou
International transactions on electrical energy systems 31 (6), e12882, 2021
Parameters identification of a brushless doubly fed induction machine using pseudo‐random binary signal excitation signal for recursive least squares method
H Djadi, K Yazid, M Menaa
IET Electric Power Applications 11 (9), 1585-1595, 2017
Optimal Tuning for Load Frequency Control Using Ant Lion Algorithm in Multi-Area Interconnected Power System.
NEL Kouba, M Menaa, K Tehrani, M Boudour
Intelligent Automation & Soft Computing 25 (2), 2019
A new robust fuzzy-PID controller design using gravitational search algorithm
NELY Kouba, M Menaa, M Hasni, M Boudour
International Journal of Computer Aided Engineering and Technology 11 (3 …, 2019
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Articles 1–20