Ashvin Hosangadi
Ashvin Hosangadi
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Simulations of cavitating flows using hybrid unstructured meshes
V Ahuja, A Hosangadi, S Arunajatesan
J. Fluids Eng. 123 (2), 331-340, 2001
Numerical study of cavitation in cryogenic fluids
A Hosangadi, V Ahuja
J. Fluids Eng. 127 (2), 267-281, 2005
Upwind unstructured scheme for three-dimensional combusting flows
A Hosangadi, RA Lee, BJ York, N Sinha, SM Dash
Journal of Propulsion and Power 12 (3), 494-502, 1996
Hybrid, viscous, unstructured mesh solver for propulsive applications
A Hosangadi, R Lee, P Cavallo, N Sinha, B York
34th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference and Exhibit, 3153, 1998
Impeller design of a centrifugal fan with blade optimization
YT Lee, V Ahuja, A Hosangadi, ME Slipper, LP Mulvihill, R Birkbeck, ...
International Journal of Rotating Machinery 2011 (1), 537824, 2011
Analysis of thermal effects in cavitating liquid hydrogen inducers
A Hosangadi, V Ahuja, RJ Ungewitter, J Busby
Journal of Propulsion and Power 23 (6), 1225-1234, 2007
Dynamic unstructured grid methodology with application to aero/propulsive flowfields
P Cavallo, A Hosangadi, R Lee, S Dash, P Cavallo, A Hosangadi, R Lee, ...
15th Applied Aerodynamics Conference, 2310, 1997
Improved flux formulations for unsteady low Mach number flows
J Sachdev, A Hosangadi, V Sankaran
42nd AIAA Fluid Dynamics Conference and Exhibit, 3067, 2012
Three-dimensional hybrid RANS/LES simulations of a supercritical liquid nitrogen jet
A Hosangadi, C Lee, C Kannepalli, S Arunajatesan
44th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference & Exhibit, 5227, 2008
Modeling Multiphase Effects in CO2 Compressors at Subcritical Inlet Conditions
A Hosangadi, Z Liu, T Weathers, V Ahuja, J Busby
Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power 141 (8), 081005, 2019
Simulations of rotational cavitation instabilities in the SSME LPFP inducer
A Hosangadi, V Ahuja, R Ungewitter
43rd AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE joint propulsion conference & exhibit, 5536, 2007
Transient simulations of valve motion in cryogenic systems
P Cavallo, A Hosangadi, V Ahuja
35th AIAA Fluid Dynamics Conference and Exhibit, 5152, 2005
The CRAFT NS code and preliminary applications to steady/unsteady reacting, multi-phase jet/plume flowfield problems
N Sinha, A Hosangadi, SM Dash
CPIA Pub 568, 203-226, 1991
Analysis of forced combusting jets
A Hosangadi, CL Merkle, SR Turns
AIAA journal 28 (8), 1473-1480, 1990
Probing the Effects of NOx and SOx Impurities on Oxy-Fuel Combustion in Supercritical CO2: Shock Tube Experiments and Chemical Kinetic Modeling
RK Rahman, S Barak, KRV Manikantachari, E Ninnemann, A Hosangadi, ...
Journal of Energy Resources Technology 142 (12), 122302, 2020
Numerical Simulation of Non-Equilibrium Condensation in Supercritical CO2 Compressors
KW Brinckman, A Hosangadi, Z Liu, T Weathers
Turbo expo: power for land, sea, and air 58721, V009T38A010, 2019
Multi-element unstructured analyses of complex valve systems
V Ahuja, A Hosangadi, J Shipman, R Daines, J Woods
Analysis of flame deflector spray nozzles in rocket engine test stands
J Sachdev, V Ahuja, A Hosangadi, D Allgood
46th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference & Exhibit, 6972, 2010
Simulations of cavitating flows in turbopumps
A Hosangadi, V Ahuja, RJ Ungewitter
Journal of propulsion and power 20 (4), 604-611, 2004
A generalized compressible cavitation model
A Hosangadi, V Ahuja, S Arunajatesan
http://resolver. caltech. edu/cav2001: sessionB4. 003, 2001
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Articles 1–20