Budhi Antariksa
Budhi Antariksa
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Cited by
Cardiac injury is associated with mortality and critically ill pneumonia in COVID-19: a meta-analysis
A Santoso, R Pranata, A Wibowo, MJ Al-Farabi, I Huang, B Antariksa
The American journal of emergency medicine 44, 352-357, 2021
Genetic variations in detoxification enzymes and HIF‐1α in Japanese patients with COPD
AC Putra, K Tanimoto, M Arifin, B Antariksa, K Hiyama
The clinical respiratory journal 7 (1), 7-15, 2013
Health consequences of thick forest fire smoke to healthy residents in Riau, Indonesia: a cross-sectional study
J Zaini, AD Susanto, E Samoedro, VC Bionika, B Antariksa
Medical Journal of Indonesia 29 (1), 58-63, 2020
Patogenesis, diagnostik dan skrining OSA (obstructive sleep apnea)
B Antariksa
Jurnal Respirologi Indonesia 30 (1), 1-10, 2010
Factors Associated to Success Tuberculosis Therapy of Co-infection TB-HIV Patients in Persahabatan Hospital, Jakarta-Indonesia
NP Dikromo, B Antariksa, A Nawas
J Respir Indonesia 31 (1), 14-21, 2011
The prevalence and related risk factors of obstructive sleep apnea in heart failure patients at the Indonesian referral hospital for respiratory diseases
AD Susanto, RA Harahap, B Antariksa, MA Basalamah, F Nurwidya
Journal of Natural Science, Biology and Medicine 11 (2), 164-183, 2020
Clinical characteristics and quality of life of persistent symptoms of COVID-19 syndrome in Indonesia
AD Susanto, F Isbaniah, IP Pratomo, B Antariksa, E Samoedro, M Taufik, ...
Germs 12 (2), 158, 2022
Ratnawati.(2011). Prevalensi dan Gejala Klinis Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) pada Pasien Asma
P Astuti, F Yunus, B Antariksa
Journal Indonesia Medical Association 61 (7), 273-279, 0
PPOK diagnosis dan penatalaksanaan
M Amin, F Yunus, B Antariksa, S Djajalaksana, W Wiyono, DK Sutoyo
Perhimpunan Dokter Paru Indonesia. Jakarta, p8-9, 2016
Prevalens asma pada siswa usia 13-14 tahun berdasarkan kuesioner ISAAC di Jakarta
F Yunus, M Resmin, DK Sutoyo, WH Wiyono
Jurnal Respitologi Indonesia 31 (4), 176-180, 2011
Prevalensi obstructive sleep apnea berdasarkan kuesioner Berlin pada polisi lalu lintas di Jakarta Timur
AD Susanto, F Yunus, B Antariksa, F Fitriani, A Luthfi, AD Harlivasari
J Respir Indo 36 (2), 67-72, 2016
Prevalensi kemungkinan obstructive sleep apnea dan faktor-faktor yang berhubungan pada pengemudi taksi X di Jakarta
IP Wiadnyana, AD Susanto, Z Amri, B Antariksa
J Respir Ind 1, 1-13, 2010
The role of neutrophil-lymphocyte ratio (NLR), platelet-lymphocyte ratio (PLR), and d-dimer in predicting the outcome of confirmed COVID-19 patients
F Isbaniah, T Juliani, T Damayanti, D Yenita, F Yunus, B Antariksa, ...
Jurnal Respirologi Indonesia 41 (4), 236-244, 2021
Diagnosis dan penatalaksanaan Asma
B Antariksa
Jakarta: Departemen Pulmonologi dan ilmu kedokteran Respiratori FKUI, 2019
Dampak polusi udara terhadap asma
AD Susanto, M Purwitasari, B Antariksa
Jurnal FK UNILA, 2018
Spirometry findings among drug users in the Indonesian National Narcotics and illicit drug Bureau Rehabilitation Center
E Samoedro, F Yunus, B Antariksa, F Nurwidya
Journal of Natural Science, Biology, and Medicine 8 (1), 69, 2017
Korelasi Penilaian Kualitas Hidup dan Prognosis Penderita Penyakit Paru Obstruktif Kronik dengan CAT, SGRQ dan BODE di Rumah Sakit Persahabatan Jakarta
TA Yuarsa, F Yunus, B Antariksa
J Respir Indo 33 (1), 8-16, 2013
Correlation between domestic cigarette smoke exposure and respiratory complaints, hospitalization and school absence due to respiratory complains in the Indonesian elementary …
PD Putri, AD Susanto, A Hudoyo, F Nurwidya, FF Taufik, S Andarini, ...
International Journal of Applied and Basic Medical Research 8 (4), 244-248, 2018
Faal paru pada polisi lalu lintas jakarta pusat dan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi
M Ginting, F Yunus, B Antariksa
J Respir Indo 35 (2), 97-106, 2015
Berhenti merokok: pedoman penatalaksanaan untuk dokter di Indonesia
AD Susanto, F Fitriani, M Ikhsan, B Antariksa, A Hudoyo, AK Mansyur
Jakarta: PDPI, 2011
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