Pedram Mousavi
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Cited by
Characteristics of single-and double-layer microstrip square-ring antennas
LS PM Bafrooei
A single feed dual-band circularly polarized millimeter-wave antenna for 5G communication
H Aliakbari, A Abdipour, R Mirzavand, A Costanzo, P Mousavi
2016 10th European conference on antennas and propagation (EuCAP), 1-5, 2016
Wideband L-shaped circular polarized monopole slot antenna
P Mousavi, B Miners, O Basir
IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters 9, 822-825, 2010
A low-cost ultra low profile phased array system for mobile satellite reception using zero-knowledge beamforming algorithm
P Mousavi, M Fakharzadeh, SH Jamali, K Narimani, M Hossu, ...
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation 56 (12), 3667-3679, 2008
Investigation of wideband substrate-integrated vertically-polarized electric dipole antenna and arrays for mm-wave 5G mobile devices
W El-Halwagy, R Mirzavand, J Melzer, M Hossain, P Mousavi
IEEE Access 6, 2145-2157, 2017
A 28-GHz quadrature fractional-N frequency synthesizer for 5G transceivers with less than 100-fs jitter based on cascaded PLL architecture
W El-Halwagy, A Nag, P Hisayasu, F Aryanfar, P Mousavi, M Hossain
IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques 65 (2), 396-413, 2017
A novel integrated dielectric-and-conductive ink 3D printing technique for fabrication of microwave devices
M Ahmadloo, P Mousavi
2013 IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium Digest (MTT), 1-3, 2013
Generalized Theory and Design Methodology of Wideband Doherty Amplifiers Applied to the Realization of an Octave-Bandwidth Prototype
R Darraji, T Sharma, M Helaoui, P Mousavi, FM Ghannouchi
IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, 2017
Investigation on electrical and mechanical properties of 3D printed nylon 6 for RF/microwave electronics applications
S Aslanzadeh, H Saghlatoon, MM Honari, R Mirzavand, C Montemagno, ...
Additive Manufacturing 21, 69-75, 2018
Beam-steering SIW leaky-wave subarray with flat-topped footprint for 5G applications
FM Monavar, S Shamsinejad, R Mirzavand, J Melzer, P Mousavi
IEEE transactions on antennas and propagation 65 (3), 1108-1120, 2017
Theoretical Design of Broadband Multisection Wilkinson Power Dividers With Arbitrary Power Split Ratio
MM Honari, L Mirzavand, R Mirzavand, A Abdipour, P Mousavi
IEEE Transactions on Components, Packaging and Manufacturing Technology, 2016
Fast beamforming for mobile satellite receiver phased arrays: Theory and experiment
M Fakharzadeh, SH Jamali, P Mousavi, S Safavi-Naeini
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation 57 (6), 1645-1654, 2009
MEMS-tunable half phase gradient partially reflective surface for beam-shaping
H Moghadas, M Daneshmand, P Mousavi
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation 63 (1), 369-373, 2014
Miniaturized reflectarray unit cell using fractal-shaped patch-slot configuration
D Oloumi, S Ebadi, A Kordzadeh, A Semnani, P Mousavi, X Gong
IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters 11, 10-13, 2011
High-Resolution Balanced Microwave Material Sensor With Extended Dielectric Range
R Mirzavand, Honari, M Mahdi, P Mousavi
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 64 (2), 1552 - 1560, 2017
A dual-band high-gain resonant cavity antenna with orthogonal polarizations
H Moghadas, M Daneshmand, P Mousavi
IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters 10, 1220-1223, 2011
Low-profile integrated microstrip antenna for GPS-DSRC application
GZ Rafi, M Mohajer, A Malarky, P Mousavi, S Safavi-Naeini
IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters 8, 44-48, 2009
The effects of imbalanced phase shifters loss on phased array gain
M Fakharzadeh, P Mousavi, S Safavi-Naeini, SH Jamali
IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters 7, 192-196, 2008
RF Channel Modeling and Multi-Hop Routing for Wireless Sensor Networks Located on Oil Rigs
M Soleimani, M Bhuiyan, M MacGregor, R Kerslake, P Mousavi
IET Wireless Sensor Systems, 2016
A highly deformable conducting traces for printed antennas and interconnects: Silver/fluoropolymer composite amalgamated by triethanolamine
A Kumar, H Saghlatoon, TG La, MM Honari, H Charaya, HA Damis, ...
Flexible and Printed Electronics 2 (4), 045001, 2017
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Articles 1–20