Flavio Baccari
Flavio Baccari
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Scalable bell inequalities for qubit graph states and robust self-testing
F Baccari, R Augusiak, I Šupić, J Tura, A Acín
Physical review letters 124 (2), 020402, 2020
Maximal nonlocality from maximal entanglement and mutually unbiased bases, and self-testing of two-qutrit quantum systems
J Kaniewski, I Šupić, J Tura, F Baccari, A Salavrakos, R Augusiak
Quantum 3, 198, 2019
Efficient device-independent entanglement detection for multipartite systems
F Baccari, D Cavalcanti, P Wittek, A Acín
Physical Review X 7 (2), 021042, 2017
Modeling and mitigation of cross-talk effects in readout noise with applications to the Quantum Approximate Optimization Algorithm
FB Maciejewski, F Baccari, Z Zimborás, M Oszmaniec
Quantum 5, 464, 2021
Device-independent witnesses of entanglement depth from two-body correlators
A Aloy, J Tura, F Baccari, A Acín, M Lewenstein, R Augusiak
Physical review letters 123 (10), 100507, 2019
Bell correlation depth in many-body systems
F Baccari, J Tura, M Fadel, A Aloy, JD Bancal, N Sangouard, ...
Physical Review A 100 (2), 022121, 2019
Arbitrary, direct and deterministic manipulation of vector beams via electrically-tuned q-plates
V D'Ambrosio, F Baccari, S Slussarenko, L Marrucci, F Sciarrino
Scientific reports 5 (1), 7840, 2015
Bounding sets of sequential quantum correlations and device-independent randomness certification
J Bowles, F Baccari, A Salavrakos
Quantum 4, 344, 2020
Device-independent certification of genuinely entangled subspaces
F Baccari, R Augusiak, I Šupić, A Acín
Physical Review Letters 125 (26), 260507, 2020
Optimization of device-independent witnesses of entanglement depth from two-body correlators
J Tura, A Aloy, F Baccari, A Acín, M Lewenstein, R Augusiak
Physical Review A 100 (3), 032307, 2019
Entanglement marginal problems
M Navascués, F Baccari, A Acin
Quantum 5, 589, 2021
Unveiling quantum entanglement in many-body systems from partial information
I Frérot, F Baccari, A Acín
PRX Quantum 3 (1), 010342, 2022
Verifying the output of quantum optimizers with ground-state energy lower bounds
F Baccari, C Gogolin, P Wittek, A Acín
Physical Review Research 2 (4), 043163, 2020
Testing noncontextuality inequalities that are building blocks of quantum correlations
M Arias, G Cañas, ES Gómez, JF Barra, GB Xavier, G Lima, V D'Ambrosio, ...
Physical Review A 92 (3), 032126, 2015
Preparation and verification of tensor network states
E Cruz, F Baccari, J Tura, N Schuch, JI Cirac
Physical Review Research 4 (2), 023161, 2022
Typical correlation length of sequentially generated tensor network states
D Haag, F Baccari, G Styliaris
PRX Quantum 4 (3), 030330, 2023
Scalable Bell inequalities for graph states of arbitrary prime local dimension and self-testing
R Santos, D Saha, F Baccari, R Augusiak
New Journal of Physics 25 (6), 063018, 2023
Self-testing with dishonest parties and device-independent entanglement certification in quantum communication networks
G Murta, F Baccari
Physical Review Letters 131 (14), 140201, 2023
A Hierarchy of Spectral Gap Certificates for Frustration-Free Spin Systems
KS Rai, I Kull, P Emonts, J Tura, N Schuch, F Baccari
arXiv preprint arXiv:2411.03680, 2024
Certification of many-body systems
F Baccari
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2019
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Articles 1–20