Avijit Kumar Metya
Avijit Kumar Metya
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Nonlinear Lamb wave mixing for assessing localized deformation during creep
AK Metya, S Tarafder, K Balasubramaniam
NDT & E International 98, 89-94, 2018
Higher harmonic analysis of ultrasonic signal for ageing behaviour study of C-250 grade maraging steel
A Metya, M Ghosh, N Parida, SP Sagar
NDT & E International 41 (6), 484-489, 2008
Evolution of Microstructure During Short-term Overheating Failure of a Boiler Water Wall Tube Made of Carbon Steel
P Munda, MM Husain, V Rajinikanth, AK Metya
Journal of Failure Analysis and Prevention 18 (1), 199-211, 2018
Effect of microstructure on non-linear behavior of ultrasound during low cycle fatigue of pearlitic steels
SP Sagar, AK Metya, M Ghosh, S Sivaprasad
Materials Science and Engineering: A 528 (6), 2895-2898, 2011
Nonlinear Lamb wave for the evaluation of creep damage in modified 9Cr-1Mo steel
AK Metya, A Das, S Tarafder, K Balasubramaniam
NDT & E International, 102130, 2019
Tribological behavior of thermomechanically treated Al–Mg–Si alloy by nanoscratch measurements
S Sanyal, S Chabri, S Chatterjee, N Bhowmik, AK Metya, A Sinha
Tribology International 102, 125-132, 2016
Assessment of Localized Plastic Deformation during Fatigue in Polycrystalline Copper by Nonlinear Ultrasonic
AK Metya, P N, B D K, NR Bandyopadhyay, SP Sagar
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 38 (12), 3087-3092, 2007
Structural and mechanical behavior of mechanochemically synthesized nanocrystalline hydroxyapatite from mercenaria clam shells
A Pal, AK Metya, A Roy Chowdhury, A Sinha
Transactions of the Indian Ceramic Society 79 (4), 175-181, 2020
Effect of tempering temperatures on nonlinear Lamb wave signal of modified 9Cr–1Mo steel
AK Metya, M Ghosh, N Parida, K Balasubramaniam
Materials Characterization 107, 14-22, 2015
Development of a non-collinear nonlinear ultrasonic-based technique for the assessment of crack tip deformation
P Muhammed Thanseer, AK Metya, S Palit Sagar
Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance 26, 2632-2639, 2017
Nonlinear ultrasonic to assess localized plastic deformation during high cycle fatigue
S Palit Sagar, AK Metya, N Parida, RN Ghosh
Review Of Progress In Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation, 1260-1266, 2008
Effect of constitutive model on residual stress development in the pressure tube rolled joint
RJ Singh, KN Jonnalagadda, PJ Guruprasad, AK Metya, HS Kushwaha
International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping 190, 104318, 2021
Failure Analysis of SA213-T22 Re-heater Rear Tube of Thermal Power Plant
AK Metya, P Munda, V Rajinikanth, RK Roy
Transactions of The Indian Institute of Metals 69 (2), 665-668, 2016
Retardation Effect of Tin Multilayer on Sn-3.0 Ag-0.5 Cu (SAC305)-Based Solder Joint Interface
M Char, AK Chakraborty, AK Metya, A Kar
Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance 29, 2305-2315, 2020
Ultrasonic quantification of high temperature cyclic damage in an advanced nickel based superalloy
K Barat, A Metya, S Sathpathy, S Sivaprasad, S Tarafder, SK Kar
Materials Science and Engineering: A 625, 194-204, 2015
Detection of fatigue crack initiation pre-cursor in meta-stable SS 304LN using Rayleigh surface wave harmonic generation
AK Metya, AK Pramanick, HN Bar, SK Gupta, SP Sagar
Materials Characterization 201, 112959, 2023
Acoustic emission monitoring during hydrotesting of a mounded LPG storage vessel of petrochemical industry
CK Mukhopadhyay, TK Haneef, T Jayakumar, R Devaraj, HN Bar, ...
Strength, Fracture and Complexity 9 (4), 251-264, 2015
Microstructure Atlas of P22 Steel
RK Roy, AK Das, AK Metya, A Mondal, AK Panda, M Ghosh, S Chand, ...
Springer Verlag, Singapore, 2023
Transduction efficiency of a magnetostrictive sensor for the generation of guided waves in pipes using rapidly quenched amorphous ribbons
S Das, AK Metya, TK Das, P Murugaiyan, RK Roy, DK Mahato, AK Panda
IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 58 (6), 1-10, 2022
Characterization of Tempering Behaviour of Modified 9Cr-1Mo Steel by Ultrasonic Lamb wave Mixing
AK Metya, S Tarafder, K Balasubamaniam
Materials Today: Proceedings 11, 695-699, 2019
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Articles 1–20