Christof Wunderlich
Christof Wunderlich
Univ.-Prof. Experimental Physics, University of Siegen
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Observing the progressive decoherence of the ''meter'' in a quantum measurement
M Brune, E Hagley, J Dreyer, X Maitre, A Maali, C Wunderlich, ...
Physical Review Letters 77, 4887-4890, 1996
Generation of Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen Pairs of Atoms
E Hagley, X Maitre, G Nogues, C Wunderlich, M Brune, JM Raimond, ...
Physical Review Letters 79, 1, 1997
Ion-trap quantum logic using long-wavelength radiation
F Mintert, C Wunderlich
Physical Review Letters 87 (25), 257904, 2001
Quantum memory with a single photon in a cavity
X Maitre, E Hagley, G Nogues, C Wunderlich, P Goy, M Brune, ...
Physical Review Letters 79, 769-772, 1997
Blueprint for a microwave trapped ion quantum computer
B Lekitsch, S Weidt, AG Fowler, K Mølmer, SJ Devitt, C Wunderlich, ...
Science Advances 3 (2), e1601540, 2017
Quantum gates and memory using microwave-dressed states
N Timoney, I Baumgart, M Johanning, AF Varon, MB Plenio, A Retzker, ...
Nature 476, 185-188, 2011
Quantum simulations with cold trapped ions
M Johanning, AF Varón, C Wunderlich
Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 42 (15), 154009, 2009
Individual Addressing of Trapped Ions and Coupling of Motional and Spin States Using rf Radiation
M Johanning, A Braun, N Timoney, V Elman, W Neuhauser, C Wunderlich
Physical Review Letters 102, 073004, 2009
Error-resistant single-qubit gates with trapped ions
N Timoney, V Elman, S Glaser, C Weiss, M Johanning, W Neuhauser, ...
Physical Review A 77, 052334, 2008
Designer Spin Pseudomolecule Implemented with Trapped Ions in a Magnetic Gradient
A Khromova, C Piltz, B Scharfenberger, TF Gloger, M Johanning, ...
Physical Review Letters 108, 220502, 2012
Ultrasensitive Magnetometer using a Single Atom
I Baumgart, JM Cai, A Retzker, MB Plenio, C Wunderlich
Physical Review Letters 116, 240801, 2016
A trapped-ion-based quantum byte with 10-5 next-neighbour cross-talk
C Piltz, T Sriarunothai, AF Varón, C Wunderlich
Nature Communications 5, 4679, 2014
Light-induced molecular potentials
C Wunderlich, E Kobler, H Figger, TW Hänsch
Physical review letters 78 (12), 2333, 1997
Electrodynamically trapped Yb^{+} ions for quantum information processing
C Balzer, A Braun, T Hannemann, C Paape, M Ettler, W Neuhauser, ...
Physical Review A 73, 041407, 2006
Analog quantum simulation of -dimensional lattice QED with trapped ions
D Yang, GS Giri, M Johanning, C Wunderlich, P Zoller, P Hauke
Physical Review A 94 (5), 052321, 2016
Robust state preparation of a single trapped ion by adiabatic passage
C Wunderlich, T Hannemann, T Körber, H Häffner, C Roos, W Hänsel, ...
Journal of Modern Optics 54, 1542-1549, 2007
Measuring anomalous heating in a planar ion trap with variable ion-surface separation
IA Boldin, A Kraft, C Wunderlich
Physical review letters 120 (2), 023201, 2018
Protecting Conditional Quantum Gates by Robust Dynamical Decoupling
C Piltz, B Scharfenberger, A Khromova, AF Varon, C Wunderlich
Physical Review Letters 110, 200501, 2013
Self-learning estimation of quantum states
T Hannemann, D Reiss, C Balzer, W Neuhauser, P Toschek, ...
Physical Review A 65, 050303, 2002
Two-dimensional cluster-state preparation with linear ion traps
H Wunderlich, C Wunderlich, K Singer, F Schmidt-Kaler
Physical Review A 79 (5), 052324, 2009
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Articles 1–20