Articles with public access mandates - Anant MaringantiLearn more
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Rent gap, fluid infrastructure and population excess in a gentrifying neighbourhood
A Maringanti, I Jonnalagadda
City 19 (2-3), 365-374, 2015
Mandates: Ford Foundation
Scale and modularity in thermal governance: The replication of India’s heat action plans
A Khandekar, J Cross, A Maringanti
Urban Studies 61 (15), 2868-2886, 2024
Mandates: UK Economic and Social Research Council
Towards a climate-health approach in Indian healthcare: Perspectives of specialist doctors on health impacts of extreme heat in Hyderabad
A Khandekar, A Maringanti
The Journal of Climate Change and Health 14, 100269, 2023
Mandates: UK Economic and Social Research Council
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