Dr Naveed ul Hassan Alvi
Cited by
Cited by
The origin of the red emission in n-ZnO nanotubes/p-GaN white light emitting diodes
NH Alvi, O Nur, M Willander
Nanoscale research letters 6 (1), 1-7, 2011
Selective potentiometric determination of uric acid with uricase immobilized on ZnO nanowires
SMU Ali, NUH Alvi, Z Ibupoto, O Nur, M Willander, B Danielsson
Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 152 (2), 241-247, 2011
A multiparameter pressure–temperature–humidity sensor based on mixed ionic–electronic cellulose aerogels
S Han, NUH Alvi, L Granlöf, H Granberg, M Berggren, S Fabiano, ...
Advanced Science 6 (8), 1802128, 2019
An intracellular glucose biosensor based on nanoflake ZnO
A Fulati, SMU Ali, MH Asif, NH Alvi, M Willander, C Brännmark, P Strålfors, ...
Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 150 (2), 673-680, 2010
Fabrication and comparative optical characterization of n-ZnO nanostructures (nanowalls, nanorods, nanoflowers and nanotubes)/p-GaN white-light-emitting diodes
N. H.Alvi, S. M U. Ali, S. Hussain, O. Nur, M. Willander
Scripta Materialia 64 (8), 697-700, 2011
InN/InGaN quantum dot photoelectrode: Efficient hydrogen generation by water splitting at zero voltage
P Naveed ul Hassan Alvi, Paul Rodriguez, Eduardo David Soto, Aseev, ...
Nano energy 13, 291-297, 2015
Single nanowire-based UV photodetectors for fast switching
K Ul Hasan, NH Alvi, J Lu, O Nur, M Willander
Nanoscale research letters 6 (1), 1-6, 2011
Near-infrared emitting In-rich InGaN layers grown directly on Si: Towards the whole composition range
P. Aseev, P P.E.D. Soto Rodriguez, N. H. Alvi, V. J. Gómez, J. M. Mánuel, F ...
Applied Physics Letters 106, 072102, 2015
Fabrication and characterization of high-brightness light emitting diodes based on n-ZnO nanorods grown by a low-temperature chemical method on p-4H-SiC and p-GaN
NH Alvi, M Riaz, G Tzamalis, O Nur, M Willander
Semiconductor Science and Technology 25 (6), 065004, 2010
Influence of different growth environments on the luminescence properties of ZnO nanorods grown by vapor-liquid-solid (VLS) method
NH Alvi, B Farooq, O Nur, M Willander
Materials Letters 106, 158-163, 2013
Buckling and elastic stability of vertical ZnO nanotubes and nanorods
M Riaz, A Fulati, G Amin, NH Alvi, O Nur, M Willander
Journal of Applied Physics 106 (3), 2009
The effect of the post-growth annealing on the electroluminescence properties of n-ZnO nanorods/p-GaN light emitting diodes
N. H. Alvi, M. Willander, O. Nur
Superlattices and Microstructures 47 (6), 754-761, 2010
Highly efficient potentiometric glucose biosensor based on functionalized InN quantum dots
NH Alvi, PED Soto Rodriguez, VJ Gómez, P Kumar, G Amin, O Nur, ...
Applied Physics Letters 101 (15), 2012
A comparative study of the electrodeposition and the aqueous chemical growth techniques for the utilization of ZnO nanorods on p-GaN for white light emitting diodes
S Kishwar, K Ul Hasan, NH Alvi, P Klason, O Nur, M Willander
Superlattices and Microstructures 49 (1), 32-42, 2011
Electrical characterization of Si/ZnO nanorod PN heterojunction diode
SM Faraz, W Shah, NUH Alvi, O Nur, QU Wahab
Advances in Condensed Matter Physics 2020 (1), 6410573, 2020
Near-infrared InN quantum dots on high-In composition InGaN
PED Soto Rodriguez, VJ Gómez, P Kumar, E Calleja, R Nötzel
Applied Physics Letters 102 (13), 2013
Photoelectrochemical water splitting and hydrogen generation by a spontaneously formed InGaN nanowall network
N. H. Alvi, P. E. D. Soto Rodriguez, Praveen Kumar, V. J. Gómez, P. Aseev, A ...
Applied Physics Letters 104, 223104, 2014
An InN/InGaN Quantum Dot Electrochemical Biosensor for Clinical Diagnosis
NH Alvi, VJ Gómez, PED Soto Rodriguez, P Kumar, S Zaman, ...
Sensors 13 (10), 13917-13927, 2013
First demonstration of direct growth of planar high-in-composition InGaN layers on Si
P Kumar, PEDS Rodriguez, VJ Gómez, NH Alvi, E Calleja, R Nötzel
Applied Physics Express 6 (3), 035501, 2013
Low temperature chemical sintering of inkjet-printed Zn nanoparticles for highly conductive flexible electronic components
S Majee, MCF Karlsson, PJ Wojcik, A Sawatdee, MY Mulla, NH Alvi, ...
npj Flexible Electronics 5 (1), 14, 2021
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Articles 1–20