Nicholas Martindale
Nicholas Martindale
Nuffield College, University of Oxford
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Cited by
Dynamics of contention in the gig economy: Rage against the platform, customer or state?
AJ Wood, N Martindale, V Lehdonvirta
New Technology, Work and Employment 38 (2), 330-350, 2023
The trust deficit in England: emerging research evidence about school leaders and the pandemic
P Thomson, T Greany, N Martindale
Journal of Educational Administration and History 53 (3-4), 296-300, 2021
Does outsourcing school systems degrade education workforces? Evidence from 18,000 English state schools
N Martindale
British Journal of Sociology of Education 40 (8), 1015-1036, 2019
Leading in lockdown: research on school leaders’ work, wellbeing and career intentions
T Greany, P Thomson, N Martindale, S Cousin
Leading in Lockdown: Research on school leaders’ work, wellbeing and career …, 2021
What do platform workers in the UK gig economy want?
N Martindale, AJ Wood, BJ Burchell
British Journal of Industrial Relations, 2024
Gig rights & gig wrongs initial findings from the Gig Rights Project: Labour rights, co-determination, collectivism and job quality in the UK gig economy
A Wood, N Martindale, B Burchell
Co-Determination, Collectivism and Job Quality in the UK Gig Economy (May 11 …, 2023
Leading after lockdown: Research on school leaders' work, well-being and career intentions (Phase 2 findings)
T Greany, P Thomson, S Cousin, N Martindale
University of Nottingham. Available at: https …, 2022
Labour market digitalization and social class: evidence of mobility and reproduction from a European survey of online platform workers
N Martindale, V Lehdonvirta
Socio-Economic Review 21 (4), 1945-1965, 2023
Austerity, outsourcing and the state school workforce: trends from 20,000 English state schools
N Martindale
British Journal of Sociology of Education 43 (3), 451-474, 2022
Can labour market digitalization increase social mobility? Evidence from a European survey of online platform workers
N Martindale, V Lehdonvirta
SocArXiv, 2021
Vox Poetica: bringing an arts-based research method to school leaders’ lockdown experiences
P Thomson, T Greany, S Cousin, N Martindale
Journal of Educational Administration and History 55 (2), 215-230, 2023
The impact of outsourcing on state school systems: the case of the academies programme in England
N Martindale
University of Oxford, 2020
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