Laura Misener
Cited by
Cited by
Creating community networks: Can sporting events offer meaningful sources of social capital?
L Misener, DS Mason
Managing leisure 11 (1), 39-56, 2006
Evaluating sport development outcomes: The case of a medium-sized international sport event
M Taks, BC Green, L Misener, L Chalip
European sport management quarterly 14 (3), 213-237, 2014
An agency theory perspective on corruption in sport: The case of the International Olympic Committee
DS Mason, L Thibault, L Misener
Journal of sport management 20 (1), 52-73, 2006
Creating sport participation from sport events: Making it happen
L Chalip, BC Green, M Taks, L Misener
International journal of sport policy and politics 9 (2), 257-276, 2017
Managing disability sport: From athletes with disabilities to inclusive organisational perspectives
L Misener, S Darcy
Sport management review 17 (1), 1-7, 2014
Beyond Olympic legacy: Understanding Paralympic legacy through a thematic analysis
L Misener, S Darcy, D Legg, K Gilbert
Journal of sport management 27 (4), 329-341, 2013
Fostering community development through sporting events strategies: An examination of urban regime perceptions1, 2
L Misener, DS Mason
Journal of sport management 23 (6), 770-794, 2009
The elusive “trickle-down effect” of sport events: Assumptions and missed opportunities
L Misener, M Taks, L Chalip, BC Green
Managing sport and leisure 20 (2), 135-156, 2015
Urban regimes and the sporting events agenda: A cross-national comparison of civic development strategies
L Misener, DS Mason
Journal of Sport Management 22 (5), 603-627, 2008
Leveraging parasport events for community participation: Development of a theoretical framework
L Misener
European Sport Management Quarterly 15 (1), 132-153, 2015
Rethinking the social value of sport events through an asset-based community development (ABCD) perspective
L Misener, N Schulenkorf
Journal of Sport Management 30 (3), 329-340, 2016
Repurposing the (super) crip: Media representations of disability at the Rio 2016 Paralympic Games
D McGillivray, H O’Donnell, G McPherson, L Misener
Communication & Sport 9 (1), 3-32, 2021
Social responsibility and the competitive bid process for major sporting events
M Carey, DS Mason, L Misener
Journal of sport and social issues 35 (3), 246-263, 2011
Sport participation from sport events: why it doesn’t happen?
M Taks, BC Green, L Misener, L Chalip
Marketing intelligence & planning 36 (2), 185-198, 2018
Understanding urban development through a sport events portfolio: A case study of London, Ontario
R Clark, L Misener
Journal of Sport Management 29 (1), 11-26, 2015
“Community cup, we are a big family”: Examining social inclusion and acculturation of newcomers to Canada through a participatory sport event
KA Rich, L Misener, D Dubeau
Social inclusion 3 (3), 129-141, 2015
Leveraging sport events for participation
M Taks, L Misener, L Chalip, BC Green
Canadian Journal for Social Research 3 (1), 12, 2013
A media frames analysis of the legacy discourse for the 2010 Winter Paralympic Games
L Misener
Communication & Sport 1 (4), 342-364, 2013
Elite athletes or superstars? Media representation of para-athletes at the Glasgow 2014 Commonwealth Games
G McPherson, H O’Donnell, D McGillivray, L Misener
Disability & society 31 (5), 659-675, 2016
Leveraging parasport events for sustainable community participation: The Glasgow 2014 Commonwealth Games
L Misener, D McGillivray, G McPherson, D Legg
Annals of Leisure Research 18 (4), 450-469, 2015
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Articles 1–20