Inchul Kim
Cited by
Cited by
Motion parallax for 360 RGBD video
A Serrano, I Kim, Z Chen, S DiVerdi, D Gutierrez, A Hertzmann, B Masia
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics 25 (5), 1817-1827, 2019
Compact single-shot hyperspectral imaging using a prism
SH Baek, I Kim, D Gutierrez, MH Kim
ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG) 36 (6), 1-12, 2017
Dehazing using Non-local Regularization with Iso-depth Neighbor-Fields.
I Kim, MH Kim
VISIGRAPP (4: VISAPP), 77-88, 2017
Spatio-focal bidirectional disparity estimation from a dual-pixel image
D Kim, H Jang, I Kim, MH Kim
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern …, 2023
Self-Calibrating, Fully Differentiable NLOS Inverse Rendering
K Choi, I Kim, D Choi, J Marco, D Gutierrez, MH Kim
SIGGRAPH Asia 2023 Conference Papers, 1-11, 2023
Non-local haze propagation with an iso-depth prior
I Kim, MH Kim
International joint conference on computer vision, imaging and computer …, 2017
IEEE Virtual Reality Conference 2019
A Serrano, I Kim, Z Chen, S DiVerdi, D Gutierrez, A Hertzmann, B Masia
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Articles 1–7