Martina Navarro
Cited by
Cited by
The mere presence of a goalkeeper affects the accuracy of penalty kicks
M Navarro, J van der Kamp, R Ranvaud, GJP Savelsbergh
Journal of sports sciences 31 (9), 921-929, 2013
The effects of high pressure on the point of no return in simulated penalty kicks
M Navarro, N Miyamoto, J van der Kamp, E Morya, R Ranvaud, ...
Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology 34 (1), 83-101, 2012
Kicking performance in young U9 to U20 soccer players: Assessment of velocity and accuracy simultaneously
LHP Vieira, SA Cunha, R Moraes, FA Barbieri, R Aquino, LP Oliveira, ...
Research quarterly for exercise and sport 89 (2), 210-220, 2018
Adverse effects of anxiety on attentional control differ as a function of experience: A simulated driving study
GC Gotardi, PF Polastri, P Schor, RRD Oudejans, J van der Kamp, ...
Applied ergonomics 74, 41-47, 2019
Implicit learning increases shot accuracy of football players when making strategic decisions during penalty kicking
M Navarro, J van der Kamp, P Schor, GJP Savelsbergh
Human movement science 61, 72-80, 2018
Differential effects of task-specific practice on performance in a simulated penalty kick under high-pressure
M Navarro, N Miyamoto, J van der Kamp, E Morya, GJP Savelsbergh, ...
Psychology of Sport and Exercise 14 (5), 612-621, 2013
The influence of anxiety on visual entropy of experienced drivers
G Gotardi, P Schor, J van der Kamp, M Navarro, D Orth, G Savelsbergh, ...
Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on Eye Tracking and Visualization, 1-4, 2018
Coordinación y equilibrio. Concepto y actividades para su desarrollo
M Navarro, J García, M Brito, J Ruiz
XV Jornadas Canarias de Traumatología y Cirugía Ortopédica, 2011
Oscilação do centro de pressão plantar de atletas e não atletas com e sem entorse de tornozelo
AK Saito, M Navarro, MF Silva, EK Arie, MS Peccin
Revista Brasileira de Ortopedia 51, 437-443, 2016
The effects of manipulating the visual environment on thermal perception: A structured narrative review
HS Mayes, M Navarro, LP Satchell, MJ Tipton, S Ando, JT Costello
Journal of Thermal Biology 112, 103488, 2023
Análise do sistema de validação de pontos no “Taekwondo”
M Navarro, N Miyamoto, R Ranvaud
Revista Brasileira de Educação Física e Esporte 22 (3), 193-200, 2008
Oscillation of plantar pressure center in athletes and non-athletes with and without ankle sprains
AK Saito, M Navarro, MF Silva, EK Ari, MS Peccin
Revista Brasileira de Ortopedia 51 (4), 437-443, 2016
Parkinson’s disease affects gaze behaviour and performance of drivers
GC Gotardi, FA Barbieri, RO Simão, VA Pereira, AM Baptista, LF Imaizumi, ...
Ergonomics 65 (9), 1302-1311, 2022
Combining experiences of race gaming and natural driving affects gaze location strategy in simulated context
GC Gotardi, GK Kuga, RO Simão, MB Brito, GP Paschoalino, GA Silva, ...
Ergonomics 62 (11), 1392-1399, 2019
What information is being acquired during the period of Quiet Eye? Comment on Vickers
ST Rodrigues, M Navarro
Current Issues in Sport Science 1 (112), 1-4, 2016
Racing videogame players’ driving experience in natural context does not affect gaze strategy towards tangent point during simulated curve negotiation, but the curvature angle does
GP Paschoalino, GK Kuga, GC Gotardi, RO Simão, FA Barbieri, ...
Brazilian Journal of Motor Behavior 13 (4), 2019
Creating adaptive athletes: the athletic skills model for enhancing physical literacy as a foundation for expertise.
M Dicks, J O'Halloran, M Navarro, GJP Savelsbergh, R Wormhoudt
Movement & Sport Sciences/Science & Motricité, 2018
Efeitos de ansiedade e reinvestimento sobre o comportamento do olhar de motoristas experientes e novatos
GC Gotardi, P Schor, M Navarro, ST Rodrigues
VIII Congresso Brasileiro de Comportamento Motor, 45-45, 2016
Re-imagining performance spaces and locations in ecological dynamics: Implications for pedagogical practices in physical education
M Rothwell, Ø Bjerke, BW Strafford, T Robinson, C Haslingden, ...
European Physical Education Review, 1356336X241260245, 2024
Affordance-based control of braking in cycling: Experience reveals differences in the style of control
GC Gotardi, J Van der Kamp, M Navarro, GJP Savelsbergh, ST Rodrigues
Human movement science 95, 103225, 2024
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Articles 1–20