Eduardo Cesar Meurer
Eduardo Cesar Meurer
UFPR em Jandaia do Sul
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Atmospheric pressure photoionization mass spectrometry. Ionization mechanism and the effect of solvent on the ionization of naphthalenes
TJ Kauppila, T Kuuranne, EC Meurer, MN Eberlin, T Kotiaho, ...
Analytical chemistry 74 (21), 5470-5479, 2002
Determination of memantine in human plasma by liquid chromatography–electrospray tandem mass spectrometry: Application to a bioequivalence study
AA Almeida, DR Campos, G Bernasconi, S Calafatti, FAP Barros, ...
Journal of Chromatography B 848 (2), 311-316, 2007
Probing the mechanism of the petasis olefination reaction by atmospheric pressure chemical ionization mass and tandem mass spectrometry
EC Meurer, LS Santos, RA Pilli, MN Eberlin
Organic Letters 5 (9), 1391-1394, 2003
Chiral morphing and enantiomeric quantification in mixtures by mass spectrometry
L Wu, EC Meurer, RG Cooks
Analytical chemistry 76 (3), 663-671, 2004
Validation of a selective method for determination of paroxetine in human plasma by LC-MS/MS
P Massaroti, NM Cassiano, LF Duarte, DR Campos, MA Marchioretto, ...
J. Pharm. Pharm. Sci 8 (3407), 12, 2005
Development and validation of a selective and robust LC-MS/MS method for quantifying amlodipine in human plasma
P Massaroti, LAB Moraes, MAM Marchioretto, NM Cassiano, ...
Analytical and bioanalytical chemistry 382, 1049-1054, 2005
Determination of levocetirizine in human plasma by liquid chromatography–electrospray tandem mass spectrometry: Application to a bioequivalence study
MR Morita, D Berton, R Boldin, FAP Barros, EC Meurer, AR Amarante, ...
Journal of chromatography B 862 (1-2), 132-139, 2008
Vapors from ionic liquids: reconciling simulations with mass spectrometric data
BAD Neto, EC Meurer, R Galaverna, BJ Bythell, J Dupont, RG Cooks, ...
The journal of physical chemistry letters 3 (23), 3435-3441, 2012
Isomeric differentiation and quantification of α, β-amino acid-containing tripeptides by the kinetic method: alkali metal-bound dimeric cluster ions
L Wu, EC Meurer, B Young, P Yang, MN Eberlin, RG Cooks
International Journal of Mass Spectrometry 231 (2-3), 103-111, 2004
Gasification of Olive Oil Mill Waste by Supercritical Water in a Continuous Reactor
JRP P.CasademontaL.Cardozo-Filho, E. Meurer, J. Sánchez-Oneto
The Journal of Supercritical Fluids, 2018
Structural study of phenolic acids by triple quadrupole mass spectrometry with electrospray ionization in negative mode and H/D isotopic exchange
N Sinosaki, APP Tonin, MAS Ribeiro, CB Poliseli, SB Roberto, R Silveira, ...
Journal of the Brazilian Chemical Society 31, 402-408, 2020
Ionic transacetalization with acylium ions: a class-selective and structurally diagnostic reaction for cyclic acetals performed under unique electrospray and atmospheric …
EC Meurer, AA Sabino, MN Eberlin
Analytical chemistry 75 (17), 4701-4709, 2003
Determination of geochemically important sterols and triterpenols in sediments using UHPLC−MS/MS
Analytical Chemistry 10, 2015
Fiber introduction mass spectrometry: fully direct coupling of solid-phase microextraction with mass spectrometry
EC Meurer, DM Tomazela, RC Silva, F Augusto, MN Eberlin
Analytical Chemistry 74 (21), 5688-5692, 2002
Monoterpene Indole Alkaloids from Palicourea c rocea
LT Düsman, TC Marinho Jorge, MC Souza, MN Eberlin, EC Meurer, ...
Journal of natural products 67 (11), 1886-1888, 2004
Solid phase micro-extraction in a miniature ion trap mass spectrometer
LS Riter, EC Meurer, I Cotte-Rodriguez, MN Eberlin, RG Cooks
Analyst 128 (9), 1119-1122, 2003
Ion/molecule reactions performed in a miniature cylindrical ion trap mass spectrometer
LS Riter, EC Meurer, ES Handberg, BC Laughlin, H Chen, GE Patterson, ...
Analyst 128 (9), 1112-1118, 2003
Spray-drying of casein/pectin bioconjugate microcapsules containing grape (Vitis labrusca) by-product extract
JB Carra, RLN de Matos, AP Novelli, RO do Couto, F Yamashita, ...
Food Chemistry 368, 130817, 2022
An efficient multigram synthesis of hypericin improved by a low power LED based photoreactor
WC Renato Sonchini Gonçalves, Bruno Ribeiro Rabello, Gabriel Batista Cesar ...
Organic Process Research & Development 1 (1), 1, 2017
Curvulin and spirostaphylotrichins R and U from extracts produced by two endophytic Bipolaris sp. associated to aquatic macrophytes with antileishmanial activity
JLAJAP Tiago Tognolli de Almeida, Marcos Alessandro dos Santos Ribeiro ...
Natural Product Research 1 (1), 1, 2017
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Articles 1–20