Emilia Viklund
Emilia Viklund
Umeå University
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Cited by
COVID-19: Opportunities for interdisciplinary research to improve care for older people in Sweden
R Baxter, WB Jemberie, X Li, M Naseer, M Pauelsen, J Shebehe, ...
Scandinavian Journal of Public Health 49 (1), 29-32, 2021
Exploring the nuanced links between internet use and subjective well-being among older adults: A Nordic population-based study
EWE Viklund, AK Forsman
Frontiers in Psychology, 6509, 2022
Nordic population-based study on internet use and perceived meaningfulness in later life: How they are linked and why it matters
EWE Viklund, I Nilsson, AK Forsman
Scandinavian Journal of Public Health 50 (3), 381-388, 2022
Health promotion practice among older persons: a Nordic multi-professional focus group study exploring what it is and how it could be achieved
EWE Viklund, J Nordmyr, G Häggblom-Kronlöf, AK Forsman
Journal of Applied Gerontology 41 (7), 1665-1674, 2022
Understanding Health, Subjective Aging, and Participation in Social Activities in Later Life: A Regional Finnish Survey
H Vaartio-Rajalin, F Snellman, Y Gustafsson, A Rauhala, E Viklund
Journal of Applied Gerontology 43 (6), 638-649, 2024
Timely support for promoting mental wellbeing among families with young children–an interview study exploring the experiences of multi-professional practitioners in Finland
EWE Viklund, AK Forsman, J Nordmyr
BMC Primary Care 24 (1), 196, 2023
The perks and struggles of participatory approaches: Exploring older persons' experiences of participating in designing and developing an application.
EWE Viklund, I Nilsson, S Hägglund, L Nyholm, AK Forsman
Gerontechnology 22 (1), 2023
Delaktighet genom samskapande metoder för utveckling av innovationer inom social-och hälsovård
L Nyholm, EWE Viklund, H Vaartio-Rajalin, A Forsman, S Hägglund, ...
Hoitotiede 34 (4), 2022
Digital location-based storytelling facilitating well-being in later life: Two design cases applying an experience-based user-centred design process.
A Bengs, EWE Viklund, A Wiklund-Engblom
The Serious Storytelling Handbook, 2025
Perceptions of home for older adults in ordinary housing: a scoping review
N Andersson, A Arola, E Viklund, M Kylén
OSF, 2024
Mot en personcentrerad äldrevård med hjälp av konst och kreativitet
EWE Viklund, H Vaartio-Rajalin
Vård i fokus, 10-13, 2023
Luovat menetelmät ja ihmiskeskeisyys ikääntyneiden hoitotyössä–tutkimus-ja kehittämisprojekti
H Vaartio-Rajalin, EWE Viklund
Ageing Online: Promoting older persons' subjective wellbeing in a digital everyday life
E Viklund
Åbo Akademi-Åbo Akademi University, 2022
Changing the art of elderly nursing care: Implementing a creative person-centered care approach in Finnish nursing education
EWE Viklund, H Vaartio-Rajalin
Mental health promotion practices across the lifespan: Shared practitioner experiences in the Nordic context
A Forsman, J Björk, M Häger, J Nordmyr, EWE Viklund
En doktorands tankar om äldres psykiska hälsa i tider av undantagstillstånd
E Viklund
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Articles 1–16