Antoine Diet
Antoine Diet
MCF, Université Paris Sud-11, GEEPS/PIEM (UMR 8507, CNRS/Supelec/UPS-11/UP6), IUT de Cachan (GEII-1)
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EER architecture specifications for OFDM transmitter using a class E amplifier
A Diet, C Berland, M Villegas, G Baudoin
IEEE Microwave and wireless components letters 14 (8), 389-391, 2004
Soil effects on the underground-to-aboveground communication link in ultrawideband wireless underground sensor networks
H Zemmour, G Baudoin, A Diet
IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters 16, 218-221, 2016
Influence of time and processing mismatches between phase and envelope signals in linearization systems using envelope elimination and restoration, application to Hiperlan2
G Baudoin, C Berland, M Villegas, A Diet
IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium Digest, 2003 3, 2149-2152, 2003
Electromagnetic environment of RFID systems
D Arnaud-Cormos, T Letertre, A Diet, A Azoulay
2007 European Radar Conference, 373-376, 2007
Effect of depth and soil moisture on buried ultra‐wideband antenna
H Zemmour, G Baudoin, A Diet
Electronics Letters 52 (10), 792-794, 2016
A Twisted Loop Antenna to enhance HF RFID detection for different tag positioning
M Benamara, M Grzeskowiak, A Diet, G Lissorgues, Y Le Bihan, S Protat, ...
2016 10th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP), 1-5, 2016
Impact of soil on UWB buried antenna and communication link in IR-UWB WUSN applications
H Zemmour, G Baudoin, C Hamouda, A Diet, M Biancheri-Astier
2015 European Radar Conference (EuRAD), 353-356, 2015
Pebbles tracking thanks to RFID LF multi-loops inductively coupled reader
M Grzeskowiak, A Diet, PS Diao, S Protat, C Bourcier, Y Le Bihan, ...
Progress In Electromagnetics Research C 55, 129-137, 2014
Reduction of the shielding effect on the coupling factor of an EV WPT system
K Kadem, Y Le Bihan, M Bensetti, É Laboure, A Diet, M Debbou
2019 IEEE PELS Workshop on Emerging Technologies: Wireless Power Transfer …, 2019
Coils for ingestible capsules: Near-field magnetic induction link
M Grzeskowiak, F El Hatmi, A Diet, M Benamara, D Delcroix, T Alves, ...
Comptes Rendus. Physique 16 (9), 819-835, 2015
Study of a polar ΔΣ transmitter associated to a high efficiency switched mode amplifier for mobile Wimax.
F Robert, M Suarez, A Diet, M Villegas, G Baudoin
10th annual IEEE Wireless and Microwave Technology Conference, WAMICON, T# 2, 2009
PWM coding and filtering of an OFDM envelope signal in a C band EER transmitter architecture
A Diet, C Berland, M Villegas, G Baudoin
2004 IEEE 15th International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio …, 2004
Improvement of HF RFID tag detection with a distributed diameter reader coil
A Diet, M Grzeskowiak, Y Le Bihan, M Biancheri-Astier, M Lahrar, ...
IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters 15, 1943-1946, 2016
Flexibility of class E HPA for cognitive radio
A Diet, F Robert, MS Peñaloza, V Valenta, LA Montes, C Ripoll, ...
IEEE PIMRC 2008, September, Cannes, France, 2008
UWB Vivaldi antenna array lower band improvement for ground penetrating radar applications
M Biancheri-Astier, A Diet, Y Le Bihan, M Grzeskowiak
Radioengineering 28 (1), 92-98, 2019
A highly linear and tunable feed forward current source active inductor in 65nm CMOS technology for mobile applications
F Robert, PH Cathelin, A Die, M Villegas, F Epifano, P Triaire, G Baudoin
WAMICON 2011 Conference Proceedings, 1-6, 2011
EER–LINC RF transmitter architecture for high PAPR signals using switched power amplifiers
A Diet, M Villegas, G Baudoin
Physical Communication 1 (4), 248-254, 2008
NFC/RFID patch coil curvature effect and shielding for medical applications wirelessly powered
M Bouklachi, M Biancheri-Astier, A Diet, Y Le Bihan
IEEE Journal of Radio Frequency Identification 4 (2), 107-114, 2020
Distributed diameter subcoil twisted loop antenna in nonradiative WPT
M Grzeskowiak, A Diet, M Benamara, P Poulichet, C Conessa, S Protat, ...
IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters 17 (1), 4-7, 2017
Architecture and filtering requirements for fully digital multi-radio transmitters
F Robert, A Diet, M Villegas, F Epifano, P Cathelin, P Triaire, G Baudoin
21st Annual IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile …, 2010
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Articles 1–20