Damir Juric
Damir Juric
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A front-tracking method for the computations of multiphase flow
G Tryggvason, B Bunner, A Esmaeeli, D Juric, N Al-Rawahi, W Tauber, ...
Journal of computational physics 169 (2), 708-759, 2001
Computations of boiling flows
D Juric, G Tryggvason
International journal of multiphase flow 24 (3), 387-410, 1998
A front-tracking method for dendritic solidification
D Juric, G Tryggvason
Journal of computational physics 123 (1), 127-148, 1996
Modeling three-dimensional multiphase flow using a level contour reconstruction method for front tracking without connectivity
S Shin, D Juric
Journal of Computational Physics 180 (2), 427-470, 2002
Accurate representation of surface tension using the level contour reconstruction method
S Shin, SI Abdel-Khalik, V Daru, D Juric
Journal of Computational Physics 203 (2), 493-516, 2005
Numerical simulation of Faraday waves
N Périnet, D Juric, LS Tuckerman
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 635, 1-26, 2009
A hybrid interface method for three‐dimensional multiphase flows based on front tracking and level set techniques
S Shin, D Juric
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids 60 (7), 753-778, 2009
A solver for massively parallel direct numerical simulation of three-dimensional multiphase flows
S Shin, J Chergui, D Juric
Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology 31, 1739-1751, 2017
The local front reconstruction method for direct simulation of two-and three-dimensional multiphase flows
S Shin, I Yoon, D Juric
Journal of Computational Physics 230 (17), 6605-6646, 2011
Large convective heat transfer enhancement in microchannels with a train of coflowing immiscible or colloidal droplets
M Fischer, D Juric, D Poulikakos
A hybrid interface tracking–level set technique for multiphase flow with soluble surfactant
S Shin, J Chergui, D Juric, L Kahouadji, OK Matar, RV Craster
Journal of Computational Physics 359, 409-435, 2018
Computations of phase change
D Juric
University of Michigan, 1996
High order level contour reconstruction method
S Shin, D Juric
Journal of mechanical science and technology 21, 311-326, 2007
Direct three-dimensional numerical simulation of nucleate boiling using the level contour reconstruction method
S Shin, SI Abdel-Khalik, D Juric
International Journal of Multiphase Flow 31 (10-11), 1231-1242, 2005
Alternating hexagonal and striped patterns in Faraday surface waves
N Périnet, D Juric, LS Tuckerman
Physical Review Letters 109 (16), 164501, 2012
Dynamics of a surfactant-laden bubble bursting through an interface
CR Constante-Amores, L Kahouadji, A Batchvarov, S Shin, J Chergui, ...
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 911, A57, 2021
Direct simulation of multiphase flows with modeling of dynamic interface contact angle
S Shin, J Chergui, D Juric
Theoretical and Computational Fluid Dynamics 32, 655-687, 2018
Simulation of droplet impact on a solid surface using the level contour reconstruction method
S Shin, D Juric
Journal of mechanical science and technology 23, 2434-2443, 2009
Numerical recipes for mold filling simulation
D Kothe, D Juric, K Lam, B Lally
Los Alamos National Lab.(LANL), Los Alamos, NM (United States), 1998
Numerical simulation of supersquare patterns in Faraday waves
L Kahouadji, N Périnet, LS Tuckerman, S Shin, J Chergui, D Juric
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 772, R2, 2015
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Articles 1–20