L.A. Tavasszy
L.A. Tavasszy
Full Professor, Freight & Logistics, Delft University of Technology
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A supplier selection life cycle approach integrating traditional and environmental criteria using the best worst method
J Rezaei, T Nispeling, J Sarkis, L Tavasszy
Journal of cleaner production 135, 577-588, 2016
Linking supplier development to supplier segmentation using Best Worst Method
J Rezaei, J Wang, L Tavasszy
Expert Systems with Applications 42 (23), 9152-9164, 2015
Measuring the relative importance of the logistics performance index indicators using Best Worst Method
J Rezaei, WS van Roekel, L Tavasszy
Transport policy 68, 158-169, 2018
Quality assessment of airline baggage handling systems using SERVQUAL and BWM
J Rezaei, O Kothadiya, L Tavasszy, M Kroesen
Tourism Management 66, 85-93, 2018
Towards collaborative, intermodal hub networks: A case study in the fast moving consumer goods market
B Groothedde, C Ruijgrok, L Tavasszy
Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review 41 (6 …, 2005
Supplier selection in the airline retail industry using a funnel methodology: Conjunctive screening method and fuzzy AHP
J Rezaei, PBM Fahim, L Tavasszy
Expert systems with applications 41 (18), 8165-8179, 2014
Evaluation of the external forces affecting the sustainability of oil and gas supply chain using Best Worst Method
WNKW Ahmad, J Rezaei, S Sadaghiani, LA Tavasszy
Journal of cleaner production 153, 242-252, 2017
City logistics modeling efforts: Trends and gaps-A review
N Anand, H Quak, R van Duin, L Tavasszy
Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 39, 101-115, 2012
GenCLOn: An ontology for city logistics
N Anand, M Yang, JHR van Duin, L Tavasszy
Expert Systems with Applications 39 (15), 11944-11960, 2012
Modelling freight transport
L Tavasszy, G De Jong
Elsevier, 2013
A strategic network choice model for global container flows: specification, estimation and application
L Tavasszy, M Minderhoud, JF Perrin, T Notteboom
Journal of Transport Geography 19 (6), 1163-1172, 2011
Recent developments in national and international freight transport models within Europe
G De Jong, I Vierth, L Tavasszy, M Ben-Akiva
Transportation 40, 347-371, 2013
Improving home delivery efficiency by using principles of address intelligence for B2C deliveries
JHR Van Duin, W de Goffau, B Wiegmans, LA Tavasszy, M Saes
Transportation research procedia 12, 14-25, 2016
A DSS for modelling logistic chains in freight transport policy analysis
LA Tavasszy, B Smeenk, CJ Ruijgrok
International Transactions in Operational Research 5 (6), 447-459, 1998
Incorporating logistics in freight transport demand models: state-of-the-art and research opportunities
LA Tavasszy, K Ruijgrok, I Davydenko
Transport Reviews 32 (2), 203-219, 2012
Towards E (lectric)-urban freight: first promising steps in the electric vehicle revolution
JHR Van Duin, LA Tavasszy, HJ Quak
European Transport-Trasporti Europei, 2013
Multi-criteria decision-making for complex bundling configurations in surface transportation of air freight
J Rezaei, A Hemmes, L Tavasszy
Journal of Air Transport Management 61, 95-105, 2017
New SP-values of time and reliability for freight transport in the Netherlands
G De Jong, M Kouwenhoven, J Bates, P Koster, E Verhoef, L Tavasszy, ...
Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review 64, 71-87, 2014
Analysis of the air cargo transport network using a complex network theory perspective
A Bombelli, BF Santos, L Tavasszy
Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review 138, 101959, 2020
Towards an agent-based modelling approach for the evaluation of dynamic usage of urban distribution centres
JHR Van Duin, A Van Kolck, N Anand, E Taniguchi
Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 39, 333-348, 2012
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