Kerrache Ali
Kerrache Ali
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Molecular-dynamics computer simulation of crystal growth and melting in Al50Ni50
A Kerrache, J Horbach, K Binder
EPL (Europhysics Letters) 81 (5), 58001, 2008
SiO2–Na2O–B2O3 density: a comparison of experiments, simulations, and theory
M Barlet, A Kerrache, JM Delaye, CL Rountree
Journal of non-crystalline solids 382, 32-44, 2013
An investigation of string-like cooperative motion in a strong network glass-former
V Teboul, A Monteil, LC Fai, A Kerrache, S Maabou
The European Physical Journal B-Condensed Matter and Complex Systems 40 (1 …, 2004
Aging effects in supercooled silica.: A molecular dynamics investigation
A Kerrache, V Teboul, D Guichaoua, A Monteil
Journal of non-crystalline solids 322 (1-3), 41-45, 2003
Crystallization of amorphous silicon induced by mechanical shear deformations
A Kerrache, N Mousseau, LJ Lewis
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 84 (1), 014110, 2011
Screening dependence of the dynamical and structural properties of BKS silica
A Kerrache, V Teboul, A Monteil
Chemical physics 321 (1-2), 69-74, 2006
Amorphous silicon under mechanical shear deformations: Shear velocity and temperature effects
A Kerrache, N Mousseau, LJ Lewis
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 83 (13), 134122, 2011
Interstitial sites for He incorporation in nuclear glasses and links to the structure: Results from numerical investigation
A Kerrache, JM Delaye
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam …, 2014
Ordering kinetics in L12 and Llo structures through a general Monte-Carlo approach
A Kerrache, H Bouzra, M Zemirli, V Pierron-Bohnes, MC Cadevile, ...
Comput. Mater. Sci 17, 324-330, 2000
Topography of borosilicate glass reacting interface under aqueous corrosion
JM Delaye, A Kerrache, S Gin
Chemical Physics Letters 588, 180-183, 2013
submitted to Europhys
A Kerrache, J Horbach, K Binder
Lett, 2007
Ordering Kinetics in L12 and L10 Structures via a General Monte-Carlo Approach
A Kerrache, H Bouzar, M Zemirli, V Pierron-Bohnes, MC Cadeville, ...
Defect and Diffusion Forum 194, 447-452, 2001
Monte-Carlo simulation of order–disorder kinetics in 2D and fcc binary alloys
A Kerrache, H Bouzara, M Zemirli, V Pierron-Bohnes, MC Cadeville, ...
Computational materials science 17 (2-4), 324-330, 2000
Phase Behavior and Microscopic Transport Processes in Binary Metallic Alloys: Computer Simulation Studies
SK Das, A Kerrache, J Horbach, K Binder
Phase Transformations in Multicomponent Melts, 141-156, 2009
SiO {sub 2}-Na {sub 2} OB {sub 2} O {sub 3} density: A comparison of experiments, simulations, and theory
M Barlet, CL Rountree, A Kerrache, JM Delaye
Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 382, 2013
Silicon under mechanical shear: molecular dynamics study
A Kerrache, N Mousseau, LJ Lewis
APS March Meeting Abstracts, Y26. 006, 2009
Molecular Dynamics Computer Simulation of Multicomponent Liquids: From Effective Potentials to Crystallization from the Melt
A Kerrache, A Carre, J Horbach, K Binder
Aging process in amorphous materials out of equilibrium.
A Kerrache
< bound method Organization. get_name_with_acronym of< Organization: TEL …, 2005
Etude des processus de vieillissement des matériaux amorphes hors d'équilibre.
A Kerrache
Université d'Angers, 2005
Phénomène de viellissement dans les verres de silice
A Kerrache, V Teboul, A Monteil
Congrès général de la société française de physique, 2005
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Articles 1–20