Maldwyn John Evans
Maldwyn John Evans
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Cited by
A room with a green view: the importance of nearby nature for mental health during the COVID‐19 pandemic
M Soga, MJ Evans, K Tsuchiya, Y Fukano
Ecological applications 31 (2), e2248, 2021
Impacts of the COVID‐19 pandemic on human–nature interactions: Pathways, evidence and implications
M Soga, MJ Evans, DTC Cox, KJ Gaston
People and nature 3 (3), 518-527, 2021
The trajectory of dispersal research in conservation biology. Systematic review
DA Driscoll, SC Banks, PS Barton, K Ikin, P Lentini, DB Lindenmayer, ...
PloS one 9 (4), e95053, 2014
How can we mitigate against increasing biophobia among children during the extinction of experience?
M Soga, MJ Evans, T Yamanoi, Y Fukano, K Tsuchiya, TF Koyanagi, ...
Biological conservation 242, 108420, 2020
Towards quantifying carrion biomass in ecosystems
PS Barton, MJ Evans, CN Foster, JL Pechal, JK Bump, MM Quaggiotto, ...
Trends in Ecology & Evolution 34 (10), 950-961, 2019
Insect biodiversity meets ecosystem function: differential effects of habitat and insects on carrion decomposition
PS Barton, MJ Evans
Ecological Entomology 42 (3), 364-374, 2017
Substantial long‐term effects of carcass addition on soil and plants in a grassy eucalypt woodland
PS Barton, S McIntyre, MJ Evans, JK Bump, SA Cunningham, ...
Ecosphere 7 (10), e01537, 2016
The vicious cycle of biophobia
M Soga, KJ Gaston, Y Fukano, MJ Evans
Trends in Ecology & Evolution 38 (6), 512-520, 2023
Dynamic soil nutrient and moisture changes under decomposing vertebrate carcasses
MM Quaggiotto, MJ Evans, A Higgins, C Strong, PS Barton
Biogeochemistry 146, 71-82, 2019
Short‐and long‐term effects of habitat fragmentation differ but are predicted by response to the matrix
MJ Evans, SC Banks, DA Driscoll, AJ Hicks, BA Melbourne, KF Davies
Ecology 98 (3), 807-819, 2017
Environmental and spatial drivers of spider diversity at contrasting microhabitats
PS Barton, MJ Evans, CN Foster, SA Cunningham, AD Manning
Austral Ecology 42 (6), 700-710, 2017
Avifauna and urban encroachment in time and space
L Rayner, K Ikin, MJ Evans, P Gibbons, DB Lindenmayer, AD Manning
Diversity and Distributions 21 (4), 428-440, 2015
Adapting reintroduction tactics in successive trials increases the likelihood of establishment for an endangered carnivore in a fenced sanctuary
BA Wilson, MJ Evans, WG Batson, SC Banks, IJ Gordon, DB Fletcher, ...
PLoS One 15 (6), e0234455, 2020
Density of invasive western honey bee (Apis mellifera) colonies in fragmented woodlands indicates potential for large impacts on native species
SA Cunningham, MJ Crane, MJ Evans, KL Hingee, DB Lindenmayer
Scientific Reports 12 (1), 3603, 2022
Disentangling the effects of farmland use, habitat edges, and vegetation structure on ground beetle morphological traits
K Ng, PS Barton, W Blanchard, MJ Evans, DB Lindenmayer, S Macfadyen, ...
Oecologia 188, 645-657, 2018
The ‘Goldilocks Zone’of predation: the level of fox control needed to select predator resistance in a reintroduced mammal in Australia
MJ Evans, WG Batson, IJ Gordon, E Belton, T Chaseling, D Fletcher, ...
Biodiversity and Conservation 30, 1731-1752, 2021
Trends in animal translocation research
MJ Evans, JC Pierson, LE Neaves, IJ Gordon, CE Ross, B Brockett, ...
Ecography 2023 (3), e06528, 2023
Cross-taxonomic surrogates for biodiversity conservation in human-modified landscapes–A multi-taxa approach
DL Yong, PS Barton, K Ikin, MJ Evans, M Crane, S Okada, ...
Biological conservation 224, 336-346, 2018
Coexistence conservation: Reconciling threatened species and invasive predators through adaptive ecological and evolutionary approaches
MJ Evans, AR Weeks, C Scheele, Ben, IJ Gordon, LE Neaves, ...
Conservation Science and Practice, e12742, 2022
A reintroduced ecosystem engineer provides a germination niche for native plant species
CE Ross, S McIntyre, PS Barton, MJ Evans, SA Cunningham, ...
Biodiversity and Conservation 29, 817-837, 2020
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Articles 1–20