Aprilia Erryani
Aprilia Erryani
Peneliti Material, Pusat Riset Metalurgi, Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional
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Cited by
Synthesis of graphene oxide from used electrode graphite with controlled oxidation process
M Handayani, M Ganta, DNA Susilo, MS Yahya, GK Sunnardianto, ...
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 541 (1), 012032, 2019
The synthesis and characterization of Mg-Zn-Ca alloy by powder metallurgy process
D Annur, A Erryani, MI Amal, LS Sitorus, I Kartika
AIP Conference Proceedings 1725 (1), 2016
Fabrication of graphene oxide/calcium carbonate/chitosan nanocomposite film with enhanced mechanical properties
M Handayani, E Sulistiyono, F Rokhmanto, N Darsono, PL Fransisca, ...
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 578 (1), 012073, 2019
Microstructure and corrosion study of porous Mg–Zn–Ca alloy in simulated body fluid
D Annur, A Erryani, FP Lestari, IN Putrayasa, PA Gede, I Kartika
Materials Research Express 4 (3), 034006, 2017
Microstructures and mechanical study of Mg Alloy foam based on Mg-Zn-Ca-CaCO3 system
A Erryani, F Pramuji, D Annur, MI Amal, I Kartika
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 202 (1), 012028, 2017
Study of sintering on Mg-Zn-Ca alloy system
D Annur, FP Lestari, A Erryani, I Kartika
AIP Conference Proceedings 1964 (1), 2018
Analisis Struktur Pori dan Sifat Mekanik Paduan Mg-0, 5Ca-4Zn Hasil Proses Metalurgi Serbuk dengan Variasi Komposisi Foaming Agent CaCO3 dan Temperatur Sintering
I Kartika, AM Ashari, A Trenggono, FP Lestari, A Erryani
TEKNIK 40 (3), 142-148, 2019
Multi-walled carbon nanotubes reinforced-based magnesium metal matrix composites prepared by powder metallurgy
M Handayani, M Ganta, N Darsono, E Sulistiyono, FP Lestari, A Erryani, ...
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 578 (1), 012041, 2019
Corrosion inhibition induced by captopril in Hanks’ solution on bioresorbable Mg–Zn-(Y, Nd) alloys fabricated by powder metallurgical technology
B Siswayanti, BR Elvira, FP Lestari, A Erryani, FJ Mu'arif, MA Rohmatulloh, ...
Materials Chemistry and Physics 313, 128705, 2024
IOP Conf. Ser. Mater. Sci. Eng.
M Handayani, M Ganta, DNA Susilo, MS Yahya, GK Sunnardianto, ...
IOP Publishing, 541, 012032, 2019
Corrosion behavior of magnesium based foam structure in Hank’s solution
PL Franciska, A Erryani, D Annur, I Kartika
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 202 (1), 012035, 2017
Biomechanical simulation of Sugita Aneurysm Clip: Reverse engineering approach using metal 3D-printing
T Asmaria, YM Zuchruf, J Triwardono, F Rokhmanto, A Erryani, FP Lestari, ...
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1805 (1), 012044, 2021
The 3D printing in material research and medical physics education and its accuracy study
T Asmaria, R Rahmi, MS Utomo, FP Lestari, A Erryani, P Fathoni, ...
Jurnal Penelitian & Pengembangan Pendidikan Fisika 6 (2), 227-236, 2020
Determination of compressive strength of 3D polymeric lattice structure as template in powder metallurgy
MS Utomo, Y Whulanza, FP Lestari, A Erryani, I Kartika, NA Alief
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 541 (1), 012042, 2019
Casting technique of NaCl space-holder using 3D printed PLA template for manufacture porous Mg alloy
A Erryani, C Greenita, FP Lestari, MS Utomo, I Kartika, T Nugraha
AIP Conference Proceedings 2382 (1), 2021
In Vitro Corrosion of Quaternery Magnesium Alloy Foam by Addition of Zinc
FP Lestari, S Marta, A Erryan, I Mulyati, I Kartika
Journal of Electronics, Electromedical Engineering, and Medical Informatics …, 2020
Effect of multiwalled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) on the micro-hardness and corrosion behaviour Mg-Zn alloy prepared by powder metallurgy
N Darsono, M Handayani, FP Lestari, A Erryani, ING Putrayasa, ...
Materials Science Forum 1000, 115-122, 2020
Sifat Mekanik Dan Struktur Mikro Paduan Magnesium Berpori Dengan Variasi Komposisi Agen Pengembang Dan Temperatur Sinter Untuk Aplikasi Implan Mampu Luruh
A Erryani
Metalurgi 34 (2), 61-70, 2019
Laju dan Morfologi Korosi Paduan Logam Berpori Mg-Ca-Zn dengan Foaming Agent CaCO
A Erryani, FP Lestari, D Annur, MI Amal, I Kartika
Widyariset 4, 9-20, 2018
The effects of Na2HPO4 on corrosion behaviour of Mg–5% Zn and Mg–7% Zn alloys in ovalbumin
YN Thaha, I Kartika, INGP Astawa, FP Lestari, A Eryani, F Rokhmanto, ...
Materials Chemistry and Physics 273, 125112, 2021
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Articles 1–20