Joanna Orzel
Joanna Orzel
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Detection of discoloration in diesel fuel based on gas chromatographic fingerprints
B Krakowska, I Stanimirova, J Orzel, M Daszykowski, I Grabowski, ...
Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry 407, 1159-1170, 2015
Modeling of the total antioxidant capacity of rooibos (Aspalathus linearis) tea infusions from chromatographic fingerprints and identification of potential antioxidant markers
J Orzel, M Daszykowski, M Kazura, D de Beer, E Joubert, AE Schulze, ...
Journal of Chromatography A 1366, 101-109, 2014
Simultaneous determination of Solvent Yellow 124 and Solvent Red 19 in diesel oil using fluorescence spectroscopy and chemometrics
J Orzel, M Daszykowski, I Grabowski, G Zaleszczyk, M Sznajder, ...
Talanta 101, 78-84, 2012
Identifying the illegal removal from diesel oil of certain chemical markers that designate excise duty
J Orzel, M Daszykowski, I Grabowski, G Zaleszczyk, M Sznajder
Fuel 117, 224-229, 2014
Improvement of classification using robust soft classification rules for near-infrared reflectance spectral data
M Daszykowski, J Orzel, MS Wrobel, H Czarnik-Matusewicz, B Walczak
Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems 109 (1), 86-93, 2011
Spectroscopic determination of acetylcholine (ACh): a representative review
P Świt, A Pollap, J Orzeł
Topics in Current Chemistry 381 (4), 16, 2023
Comparison of quantitative detection methods based on molecular fluorescence spectroscopy and chromatographic techniques used for the determination of bisphenol compounds
J Orzel, P Swit
International Journal of Molecular Sciences 22 (19), 10569, 2021
Prediction of the hydrophilic antioxidant capacity of tomato pastes from the IR and fluorescence excitation–emission spectra of extracts and intact samples
J Orzel, I Stanimirova, B Czarnik-Matusewicz, M Daszykowski
Talanta 138, 64-70, 2015
Detecting chemical markers to uncover counterfeit rebated excise duty diesel oil
J Orzel, B Krakowska, I Stanimirova, M Daszykowski
Talanta 204, 229-237, 2019
A rapid validation of the antioxidant capacity of food commodities based on their fluorescence excitation emission spectra as applicable to coffee and peppermint extracts
J Orzel, M Daszykowski
Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems 137, 74-81, 2014
Recent trends in the use of liquid fuel taggants and their analysis
J Orzel, M Daszykowski
TrAC Trends in Analytical Chemistry 87, 98-111, 2017
Controlling sugar quality on the basis of fluorescence fingerprints using robust calibration
J Orzel, M Daszykowski, B Walczak
Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems 110 (1), 89-96, 2012
Monitoring of PAHs in simulated natural and artificial fires by HPLC-DAD-FLD with the application of Multi-Component Integrated calibration method to improve quality of …
P Świt, J Orzeł, S Maślanka
Measurement 196, 111242, 2022
Studying the stability of Solvent Red 19 and 23 as excise duty components under the influence of controlled factors
M Daszykowski, J Orzel, I Stanimirova, A Poliwoda, D Prukala, P Mlynarz
Fuel Processing Technology 206, 106465, 2020
Investigation of the origin and concentration of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon with improved accuracy by the use of a multi-component integrated calibration method in the …
P Świt, J Orzeł, S Maślanka
Journal of Hazardous Materials 448, 130871, 2023
Sarmatism as Europe's Founding Myth
J Orzel
Polish Pol. Sci. YB 39, 149, 2010
A highly sensitive spectrophotometric method for gallium determination with chrome azurol S in the presence of mixed cationic-nonionic surfactants and its application in plant …
J Połedniok, J Orzeł, J Gałeczka, R Czoik
Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis 48 (8), 936-942, 2017
The determination of bisphenols contained in food-related products with increased accuracy provided by the H-point Standard Addition Method (HPSAM)-based methodology
P Świt, J Orzeł
Journal of Food Composition and Analysis 136, 106830, 2024
Towards the assessment of exposure to bisphenols in everyday items with increased accuracy by the use of integrated calibration method (ICM)-based methodology
P Świt, J Orzeł
Journal of Chromatography A 1715, 464612, 2024
The 42nd Symposium Chromatographic Methods of Investigating Organic Compounds: Book of abstracts
G Morlock, I Vovk, V Glavnik, U Jug, V Metličar, A Albreht, K Naumoska, ...
Institute of Chemistry University of Silesia in Katowice, 2019
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Articles 1–20