Daniel J. Trosten
Daniel J. Trosten
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Cited by
Reconsidering representation alignment for multi-view clustering
DJ Trosten, S Lokse, R Jenssen, M Kampffmeyer
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF conference on computer vision and pattern …, 2021
On the effects of self-supervision and contrastive alignment in deep multi-view clustering
DJ Trosten, S Løkse, R Jenssen, MC Kampffmeyer
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF conference on computer vision and pattern …, 2023
Recurrent deep divergence-based clustering for simultaneous feature learning and clustering of variable length time series
DJ Trosten, AS Strauman, M Kampffmeyer, R Jenssen
ICASSP 2019-2019 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and …, 2019
RELAX: Representation learning explainability
KK Wickstrøm, DJ Trosten, S Løkse, A Boubekki, KØ Mikalsen, ...
International Journal of Computer Vision 131 (6), 1584-1610, 2023
Hubs and hyperspheres: Reducing hubness and improving transductive few-shot learning with hyperspherical embeddings
DJ Trosten, R Chakraborty, S Løkse, KK Wickstrøm, R Jenssen, ...
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern …, 2023
Unsupervised feature extraction–a cnn-based approach
DJ Trosten, P Sharma
Image Analysis: 21st Scandinavian Conference, SCIA 2019, Norrköping, Sweden …, 2019
Questionable practices in methodological deep learning research
DJ Trosten
Proceedings of the Northern Lights Deep Learning Workshop 4, 2023
Deep image clustering with tensor kernels and unsupervised companion objectives
DJ Trosten, MC Kampffmeyer, R Jenssen
arXiv preprint arXiv:2001.07026, 2020
Leveraging tensor kernels to reduce objective function mismatch in deep clustering
DJ Trosten, S Løkse, R Jenssen, M Kampffmeyer
Pattern Recognition 149, 110229, 2024
On the Role of Self-supervision in Deep Multi-view Clustering
DJ Trosten, S Løkse, R Jenssen, M Kampffmeyer
Reducing objective function mismatch in deep clustering with the unsupervised companion objective
DJ Trosten, R Jenssen, M Kampffmeyer
Septentrio Academic Publishing, 2021
Improving Representation Learning for Deep Clustering and Few-shot Learning
DJ Trosten
UiT Norges arktiske universitet, 2023
Kartlegging og overvåking av reinbeiter
SR Karlsen, DJ Trosten, B Johansen
NORCE Norwegian Research Centre, 2023
Supplementary Material–On the Effects of Self-supervision and Contrastive Alignment in Deep Multi-view Clustering
DJ Trosten, S Løkse, R Jenssen, MC Kampffmeyer
Supplementary material–Hubs and Hyperspheres: Reducing Hubness and Improving Transductive Few-shot Learning with Hyperspherical Embeddings
DJ Trosten, R Chakraborty, S Løkse, KK Wickstrøm, R Jenssen, ...
Supplementary material: Reconsidering Representation Alignment for Multi-view Clustering
DJ Trosten, S Løkse, R Jenssen, M Kampffmeyer
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Articles 1–16