Karin Koinig
Karin Koinig
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9000 years of geochemical evolution of lithogenic major and trace elements in the sediment of an alpine lake–the role of climate, vegetation, and land-use history
KA Koinig, W Shotyk, AF Lotter, C Ohlendorf, M Sturm
Journal of paleolimnology 30, 307-320, 2003
Temperature effects on the acidity of remote alpine lakes
S Sommaruga-WÖgrath, KA Koinig, R Schmidt, R Sommaruga, ...
Nature 387 (6628), 64-67, 1997
A global database of Holocene paleotemperature records
D Kaufman, N McKay, C Routson, M Erb, B Davis, O Heiri, S Jaccard, ...
Scientific data 7 (1), 1-34, 2020
Global change revealed by palaeolimnological records from remote lakes: a review
J Catalan, S Pla-Rabés, AP Wolfe, JP Smol, KM Rühland, NJ Anderson, ...
Journal of Paleolimnology 49, 513-535, 2013
Climate change as the primary cause for pH shifts in a high alpine lake
KA Koinig, R Schmidt, S Sommaruga-Wögrath, R Tessadri, R Psenner
Water, Air, and Soil Pollution 104, 167-180, 1998
Palaeoclimate records 60–8 ka in the Austrian and Swiss Alps and their forelands
O Heiri, KA Koinig, C Spötl, S Barrett, A Brauer, R Drescher-Schneider, ...
Quaternary Science Reviews 106, 186-205, 2014
Surface-sediment and epilithic diatom pH calibration sets for remote European mountain lakes (AL: PE Project) and their comparison with the Surface Waters Acidification …
NG Cameron, HJB Birks, VJ Jones, F Berges, J Catalan, RJ Flower, ...
Journal of Paleolimnology 22, 291-317, 1999
A multi proxy core study of the last 7000 years of climate and alpine land-use impacts on an Austrian mountain lake (Unterer Landschitzsee, Niedere Tauern)
R Schmidt, KA Koinig, R Thompson, C Kamenik
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 187 (1-2), 101-120, 2002
Dissolved organic carbon concentration and phytoplankton biomass in high-mountain lakes of the Austrian Alps: potential effect of climatic warming on UV underwater attenuation
R Sommaruga, R Psenner, E Schafferer, KA Koinig, ...
Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research 31 (3), 247-253, 1999
Health-related quality of life in lower-risk MDS patients compared with age-and sex-matched reference populations: a European LeukemiaNet study
R Stauder, GE Yu, KA Koinig, T Bagguley, P Fenaux, A Symeonidis, ...
Leukemia 32 (6), 1380-1392, 2018
Environmental changes in an alpine lake (Gossenköllesee, Austria) over the last two centuries–the influence of air temperature on biological parameters
KA Koinig, C Kamenik, R Schmidt, A Agustí-Panareda, P Appleby, A Lami, ...
Journal of Paleolimnology 28, 147-160, 2002
Holocene temperature variations at a high-altitude site in the Eastern Alps: a chironomid record from Schwarzsee ob Sölden, Austria
EA Ilyashuk, KA Koinig, O Heiri, BP Ilyashuk, R Psenner
Quaternary Science Reviews 30 (1-2), 176-191, 2011
Synthesis of novel palladium (0) nanocatalysts by microorganisms from heavy-metal-influenced high-alpine sites for dehalogenation of polychlorinated dioxins
M Schlüter, T Hentzel, C Suarez, M Koch, WG Lorenz, L Böhm, RA Düring, ...
Chemosphere 117, 462-470, 2014
Rock glacier outflows may adversely affect lakes: lessons from the past and present of two neighboring water bodies in a crystalline-rock watershed
BP Ilyashuk, EA Ilyashuk, R Psenner, R Tessadri, KA Koinig
Environmental science & technology 48 (11), 6192-6200, 2014
Zooplankton (Cladocera) species turnover and long-term decline of Daphnia in two high mountain lakes in the Austrian Alps
L Nevalainen, M Ketola, JB Korosi, M Manca, R Kurmayer, KA Koinig, ...
Hydrobiologia 722, 75-91, 2014
Climatic changes from 12,000 to 4,000 years ago in the Austrian Central Alps tracked by sedimentological and biological proxies of a lake sediment core
R Schmidt, C Kamenik, R Tessadri, KA Koinig
Journal of Paleolimnology 35, 491-505, 2006
Trends in the water chemistry of high altitude lakes in Europe
R Mosello, A Lami, A Marchetto, M Rogora, B Wathne, L Lien, J Catalan, ...
Water, Air and Soil Pollution: Focus 2, 75-89, 2002
Rock glaciers in crystalline catchments: Hidden permafrost‐related threats to alpine headwater lakes
BP Ilyashuk, EA Ilyashuk, R Psenner, R Tessadri, KA Koinig
Global Change Biology 24 (4), 1548-1562, 2018
The chrysophyte stomatocyst composition in a high alpine lake (Gossenkollesee, Tyrol, Austria) in relation to seasonality, temperature and land-use
C Kamenik, R Schmidt, KA Koinig, A Agustí-Panareda, R Thompson, ...
Nova Hedwigia Beiheft 122, 1-22, 2001
A global database of Holocene paleotemperature records, Sci. Data, 7, 115
D Kaufman, N McKay, C Routson, M Erb, B Davis, O Heiri, S Jaccard, ...
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Articles 1–20