Ganggang Xu
Ganggang Xu
Assistant professor, Department of Management Science, University of Miami
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Tukey g-and-h Random Fields
G Xu, MG Genton
Journal of the American Statistical Association 112 (519), 1236-1249, 2017
Disease-specific and glucocorticoid-responsive serum biomarkers for Duchenne muscular dystrophy
Y Hathout, C Liang, M Ogundele, G Xu, SM Tawalbeh, UJ Dang, ...
Scientific reports 9 (1), 12167, 2019
Asymptotic optimality and efficient computation of the leave-subject-out cross-validation
G Xu, JZ Huang
The Annals of Statistics 40 (6), 3003-3030, 2012
A Bayesian Spatio-Temporal Geostatistical Model with an Auxiliary Lattice for Large Datasets
G Xu, F Liang, MG Genton
Statistica Sinica 25, 61-79, 2015
Optimal tuning for divide-and-conquer kernel ridge regression with massive data
G Xu, Z Shang, G Cheng
International Conference on Machine Learning, 5483-5491, 2018
Focused information criterion and model averaging based on weighted composite quantile regression
G Xu, S Wang, JZ Huang
Scandinavian Journal of Statistics 41 (2), 365-381, 2014
Efficient maximum approximated likelihood inference for Tukey’s g-and-h distribution
G Xu, MG Genton
Computational Statistics & Data Analysis 91, 78-91, 2015
Social media data as a proxy for hourly fine-scale electric power consumption estimation
C Deng, W Lin, X Ye, Z Li, Z Zhang, G Xu
Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space 50 (8), 1553-1557, 2018
Tukey max-stable processes for spatial extremes
G Xu, MG Genton
Spatial Statistics 18, 431-443, 2016
Distributed Generalized Cross-Validation for Divide-and-Conquer Kernel Ridge Regression and Its Asymptotic Optimality
G Xu, Z Shang, G Cheng
Journal of computational and graphical statistics 28 (4), 891-908, 2019
Grading meningiomas using mono-exponential, bi-exponential and stretched exponential model-based diffusion-weighted MR imaging
L Lin, Y Xue, Q Duan, X Chen, H Chen, R Jiang, T Zhong, G Xu, D Geng, ...
Clinical radiology 74 (8), 651. e15-651. e23, 2019
Group network Hawkes process
G Fang, G Xu, H Xu, X Zhu, Y Guan
Journal of the American Statistical Association, 1-78, 2023
Differentiation between vestibular schwannomas and meningiomas with atypical appearance using diffusion kurtosis imaging and three-dimensional arterial spin labeling imaging
L Lin, X Chen, R Jiang, T Zhong, X Du, G Xu, Q Duan, Y Xue
European journal of radiology 109, 13-18, 2018
Simultaneous estimation and group identification for network vector autoregressive model with heterogeneous nodes
X Zhu, G Xu, J Fan
Journal of Econometrics, 105564, 2023
Semiparametric Multinomial Logistic Regression for Multivariate Point Pattern Data
KB Hessellund, G Xu, Y Guan, R Waagepetersen
Journal of the American Statistical Association, 1-16, 2021
Semi-parametric learning of structured temporal point processes
G Xu, M Wang, J Bian, H Huang, TR Burch, SC Andrade, J Zhang, Y Guan
Journal of Machine Learning Research 21 (192), 1-39, 2020
Collateral grade of the Willis' circle predicts outcomes of acute intracranial internal carotid artery occlusion before thrombectomy
H Zhao, B Wang, G Xu, Y Dong, Q Dong, W Cao
Brain and behavior 9 (12), e01452, 2019
Borrowing strength and borrowing index for Bayesian hierarchical models
G Xu, H Zhu, JJ Lee
Computational Statistics & Data Analysis 144, 106901, 2020
Stochastic quasi-likelihood for case-control point pattern data
G Xu, R Waagepetersen, Y Guan
Journal of the American Statistical Association 114 (526), 631-644, 2019
Second order semi-parametric inference for multivariate log Gaussian Cox processes
KB Hessellund, G Xu, Y Guan, R Waagepetersen
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series C 71 (1), 244-268, 2022
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