Articles with public access mandates - Shiro KawabataLearn more
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Efficient electron refrigeration using superconductor/spin-filter devices
S Kawabata, A Ozaeta, AS Vasenko, FWJ Hekking, F Sebastián Bergeret
Applied Physics Letters 103 (3), 2013
Mandates: Government of Spain
Current-voltage characteristics of tunnel Josephson junctions with a ferromagnetic interlayer
AS Vasenko, S Kawabata, AA Golubov, MY Kupriyanov, C Lacroix, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 84 (2), 024524, 2011
Mandates: Government of Spain
Fast tunable coupling scheme of Kerr parametric oscillators based on shortcuts to adiabaticity
S Masuda, T Kanao, H Goto, Y Matsuzaki, T Ishikawa, S Kawabata
Physical Review Applied 18 (3), 034076, 2022
Mandates: Japan Science and Technology Agency
Quantum annealing with twisted fields
T Imoto, Y Seki, Y Matsuzaki, S Kawabata
New Journal of Physics 24 (11), 113009, 2022
Mandates: Japan Science and Technology Agency
Interplay of the inverse proximity effect and magnetic field in out-of-equilibrium single-electron devices
S Nakamura, YA Pashkin, M Taupin, VF Maisi, IM Khaymovich, ...
Physical Review Applied 7 (5), 054021, 2017
Mandates: German Research Foundation, Academy of Finland, UK Engineering and Physical …
Heat transport and electron cooling in ballistic normal-metal/spin-filter/superconductor junctions
S Kawabata, AS Vasenko, A Ozaeta, SF Bergeret, FWJ Hekking
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 383, 157-161, 2015
Mandates: Government of Spain
Andreev current and subgap conductance of spin-valve SFF structures
AS Vasenko, A Ozaeta, S Kawabata, FWJ Hekking, FS Bergeret
Journal of superconductivity and novel magnetism 26, 1951-1956, 2013
Mandates: Government of Spain
Analysis of the shortest vector problems with quantum annealing to search the excited states
K Ura, T Imoto, T Nikuni, S Kawabata, Y Matsuzaki
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 62 (SC), SC1090, 2023
Mandates: Japan Science and Technology Agency
Quasi-superradiant soliton state of matter in quantum metamaterials
H Asai, S Kawabata, SE Savel’ev, AM Zagoskin
The European Physical Journal B 91, 1-6, 2018
Mandates: UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
Spectroscopic estimation of the photon number for superconducting Kerr parametric oscillators
K Matsumoto, A Yamaguchi, T Yamamoto, S Kawabata, Y Matsuzaki
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 62 (SC), SC1097, 2023
Mandates: Japan Science and Technology Agency
Guaranteed-accuracy quantum annealing
T Imoto, Y Seki, Y Matsuzaki, S Kawabata
Physical Review A 106 (4), 042615, 2022
Mandates: Japan Science and Technology Agency
Efficient criteria of quantumness for a large system of qubits
S Watabe, MZ Serikow, S Kawabata, A Zagoskin
Frontiers in Physics 9, 773128, 2022
Mandates: European Commission
Continuous percolation in a Hilbert space for a large system of qubits
S Watabe, MZ Serikow, S Kawabata, A Zagoskin
The European Physical Journal Special Topics 232 (20), 3545-3552, 2023
Mandates: European Commission, Japan Science and Technology Agency
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