Elizabeth A Beckmann
Elizabeth A Beckmann
Beth Beckmann & Associates
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Cited by
Learners on the move: mobile modalities in development studies
EA Beckmann
Distance Education 31 (2), 159-173, 2010
Targeted interpretation: Exploring relationships among visitors' motivations, activities, attitudes, information needs and preferences
R Ballantyne, J Packer, E Beckmann
Journal of Tourism Studies 9 (2), 14, 1998
Leadership through fellowship: Distributed leadership in a professional recognition scheme for university educators
EA Beckmann
Journal of Higher Education Policy and Management 39 (2), 155-168, 2017
Evaluating visitors' reactions to interpretation in Australian national parks.
EA Beckmann
Journal of Interpretation Research 4 (1), 5-19, 1999
The Doubters' Dilemma: Exploring student attrition and retention in university language and culture programs
MD Martin, L Jansen, EA Beckmann
ANU Press, 2016
Environmental interpretation for education and management in Australian national parks and other protected areas
EA Beckmann
University of New England, 1991
Interpretation in Australia: Some examples outside national parks
EA Beckmann
Australian Parks and Recreation 24 (3), 8-12, 1988
Interpretation in Australia: current status and future prospects
E Beckmann
Australian Parks and Recreation 23 (6), 6-14, 1987
On-Line, Off-Campus but in the Flow: Learning from Peers in Development Studies.
EA Beckmann, P Kilby
Journal of Peer Learning 1, 61-69, 2008
Simulating immersion: Podcasting in Spanish teaching
MD Martín, EA Beckmann
Academic Podcasting and Mobile Assisted Language Learning: Applications and …, 2010
The evolution and evaluation of an online role play through design-based research
EA Beckmann, S Mahanty
Australasian Journal of Educational Technology, 2016
Teaching excellence: recognising the many as well as the few
EA Beckmann
Research and Development in Higher Education: The Shape of Higher Education 39, 2016
Interpretation in Australian national parks and reserves: Status, evaluation and prospects.
EA Beckmann
Uzzell, D.L. (Ed.). Heritage Interpretation. Vol. 1: The natural and built …, 1989
Professional staff, professional recognition: Bringing learner support staff into the fellowship of university educators
E Beckmann
Professional and Support Staff in Higher Education, 1-16, 2018
Evaluation of Dingo Education Strategy and Programs for Fraser Island and Literature Review: Communicating to the public about potentially dangerous wildlife in natural settings
EA Beckmann, G Savage
Environmental Protection Agency, 2003
Evaluation of Dingo Education Strategy and Programs for Fraser Island and Literature Review: Communicating to the Public about Potentially Dangerous Wildlife in Natural Settings
EA Beckmann, G Savage
Environmental Protection Agency, 2003
How mobile learning facilitates student engagement: A case study from the teaching of Spanish
EA Beckmann, MD Martin
Handbook of mobile learning, 2013
Assessing the Impact of Accreditation on Institutions. Project Report.
LA Spowart, R Turner, H Dismore, E Beckmann, R Carkett, T Khamis
Advance HE, 2020
Evaluating interpretation: What’s been done and where to from here
S McArthur, EA Beckmann, S Hull
Third Annual Conference of the Interpretation Australia Association Inc., 1994
Forums, Fellowship and Wicked Problems in Teaching
EA Beckmann
Communities of Practice, 545-565, 2017
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Articles 1–20