Ibnu Syabri
Cited by
Cited by
GeoDa: an introduction to spatial data analysis
L Anselin, I Syabri, Y Kho
Handbook of applied spatial analysis: Software tools, methods and …, 2009
Handbook of applied spatial analysis: software tools, methods and applications
MM Fischer, A Getis
springer, 2010
Visualizing multivariate spatial correlation with dynamically linked windows
L Anselin, I Syabri, O Smirnov
Proceedings, CSISS Workshop on New Tools for Spatial Data Analysis, Santa …, 2002
Web-based analytical tools for the exploration of spatial data
L Anselin, YW Kim, I Syabri
Journal of Geographical Systems 6 (2), 197-218, 2004
A heuristic method for location-inventory-routing problem in a three-echelon supply chain system
NI Saragih, N Bahagia, I Syabri
Computers & Industrial Engineering 127, 875-886, 2019
Handbook of applied spatial analysis
L Anselin, I Syabri, Y Kho, MM Fischer, A Getis
Handbook of Applied Spatial Analysis, 73-89, 2010
Time use and spatial influence on transport-related social exclusion, and mental and social health
DBE Dharmowijoyo, YO Susilo, I Syabri
Travel behaviour and society 21, 24-36, 2020
How do young people move around in urban spaces?: Exploring trip patterns of generation-Z in urban areas by examining travel histories on Google Maps Timeline
AA Fisu, I Syabri, IGA Andani
Travel behaviour and society 34, 100686, 2024
Peran dan pola penggunaan sepeda motor pada masyarakat berpendapatan rendah di kawasan perkotaan Yogyakarta
Y Herwangi, I Syabri, I Kustiwan
Jurnal Perencanaan Wilayah Dan Kota 26 (3), 166-176, 2015
Community based water management and social capital
K Kobayashi, I Syabri, IRD Ari, IC Escobar, A Schaefer
IWA Publishing, 2014
Visualizing spatial autocorrelation with dynamically linked windows
L Anselin, I Syabri, O Smirnov, Y Ren
Computing Science and Statistics 33, 1-20, 2002
Geographical analysis
L Anselin, I Syabri, Y Kho
Local Indicators of Spatial Association–LISA, Wiley online library, 1995
Using morphological and functional polycentricity analyses to study the Indonesian urban spatial structure: the case of Medan, Jakarta, and Denpasar
E Sadewo, I Syabri, A Antipova, Pradono, D Hudalah
Asian geographer 38 (1), 47-71, 2021
Analysis to assess potential rivers for cargo transport in Indonesia
M Fathoni, P Pradono, I Syabri, YR Shanty
Transportation research procedia 25, 4544-4559, 2017
The Influence of Railway Station on Residential Property Values-Spatial Hedonic Approach the Case of Serpong's Railway Station
I Syabri
Jurnal Teknik Sipil ITB 18 (3), 291-300, 2011
Level of effectiveness of the implementation of transport demand management (TDM) strategy in Indonesian cities
IP Kusumantoro, KDM Erly, I Syabri, D Kipuw
Proceedings of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies Vol. 7 …, 2009
Embracing Paratransit in Bandung Metropolitan Area
I Syabri, P Pradono, B Soegijoko …, 2013
Pradono, & Hudalah, D.(2020)
E Sadewo, I Syabri, A Antipova
Using morphologica l and functional polycentricity analyses to study the …, 0
Comparative analysis on integrated coal transport models in South Sumatra
P Pradono, I Syabri, YR Shanty, M Fathoni
Journal of Environmental Treatment Techniques 7 (4), 696-704, 2019
Relationship between train users’ perceptions of walkability with access and egress mode choice
R Syafriharti, B Kombaitan, IP Kusumantoro, I Syabri
MATEC Web of Conferences 147, 02004, 2018
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Articles 1–20