Joonhyun Bae
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Cited by
Identifying and ranking influential spreaders in complex networks by neighborhood coreness
J Bae, S Kim
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 395, 549-559, 2014
A global social graph as a hybrid hypergraph
J Bae, S Kim
2009 Fifth International Joint Conference on INC, IMS and IDC, 1025-1031, 2009
A mobile peer-to-peer query in a social network
J Bae, S Lee, E Jung, S Kim
2008 International Conference on Advanced Language Processing and Web …, 2008
VegaNet: A peer-to-peer overlay network for mobile social applications
J Bae, S Lee, S Kim
2009 IEEE 13th International Symposium on Consumer Electronics, 885-889, 2009
An Efficient Content Sharing Scheme in Structured P2P Systems
JH Bae, SW Kim
Journal of KIISE: Computing Practices and Letters 15 (6), 430-434, 2009
An Identification Algorithm for Evolutionary Community on Mobile Social Network
P Kim, J Bae, S Kim
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Articles 1–6