Jason Doll, PhD
Jason Doll, PhD
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FSA: fisheries stock analysis. R package version 0.9. 1
DH Ogle, JC Doll, P Wheeler, A Dinno
Vienna: R Core team, 2021
Detection of pharmaceuticals and personal care products (PPCPs) in near-shore habitats of southern Lake Michigan
PJ Ferguson, MJ Bernot, JC Doll, TE Lauer
Science of the total environment 458, 187-196, 2013
Hot and toxic: Temperature regulates microcystin release from cyanobacteria
JT Walls, KH Wyatt, JC Doll, EM Rubenstein, AR Rober
Science of the Total Environment 610, 786-795, 2018
A national reconnaissance of trace organic compounds (TOCs) in United States lotic ecosystems
MJ Bernot, JC Becker, J Doll, TE Lauer
Science of the Total Environment 572, 422-433, 2016
Introduction to Bayesian modeling and inference for fisheries scientists
JC Doll, SJ Jacquemin
Fisheries 43 (3), 152-161, 2018
Changes in yellow perch length frequencies and sex ratios following closure of the commercial fishery and reduction in sport bag limits in southern Lake Michigan
TE Lauer, JC Doll, PJ Allen, B Breidert, J Palla
Fisheries Management and Ecology 15 (1), 39-47, 2008
Effects of flow regime on growth rate in freshwater drum, Aplodinotus grunniens
SJ Jacquemin, JC Doll, M Pyron, M Allen, DAS Owen
Environmental Biology of Fishes 98, 993-1003, 2015
Bayesian model selection in fisheries management and ecology
JC Doll, SJ Jacquemin
Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management 10 (2), 691-707, 2019
A comparison of bat activity in a managed central hardwood forest
KL Caldwell, TC Carter, JC Doll
The American Midland Naturalist 181 (2), 225-244, 2019
Abiotic and biotic correlates of yellow perch recruitment to age‐2 in southern Lake Michigan, 1984–2007
PS Forsythe, JC Doll, TE Lauer
Fisheries Management and Ecology 19 (5), 389-399, 2012
Exploring long-term trends in microcystin toxin values associated with persistent harmful algal blooms in Grand Lake St Marys
SJ Jacquemin, JC Doll, LT Johnson, SE Newell
Harmful Algae 122, 102374, 2023
Gill net selectivity of yellow perch
JC Doll, ND Thomas, TE Lauer
Journal of Freshwater Ecology 29 (2), 279-288, 2014
Spatial variation in trophic structure of nearshore fishes in Lake Michigan as it relates to water clarity
BA Turschak, S Czesny, JC Doll, BK Grunert, TO Höök, J Janssen, ...
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 76 (3), 364-377, 2019
Bayesian estimation of age and length at 50% maturity
JC Doll, TE Lauer
Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 142 (4), 1012-1024, 2013
Body size and geographic range do not explain long term variation in fish populations: a Bayesian phylogenetic approach to testing assembly processes in stream fish assemblages
SJ Jacquemin, JC Doll
PLoS One 9 (4), e93522, 2014
Predicting biological impairment from habitat assessments
JC Doll
Environmental monitoring and assessment 182 (1), 259-277, 2011
Yield-per-recruit modeling of two piscivores in a Midwestern reservoir: a Bayesian approach
JC Doll, TE Lauer, S Clark-Kolaks
Fisheries Research 191, 200-210, 2017
Covariates of age-0 walleye Sander vitreus fall recruitment from stocked populations in six midwestern reservoirs
JC Doll, TE Lauer, S Clark-Kolaks
Fisheries Research 172, 274-286, 2015
Population estimate of the state and federally threatened Spotfin Chub using underwater observations
JC Doll, L Etchison, D Owensby
North American Journal of Fisheries Management 40 (2), 342-353, 2020
Comparing Bayesian and frequentist methods of fisheries models: Hierarchical catch curves
JC Doll, TE Lauer
Journal of Great Lakes Research 40, 41-48, 2014
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