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Solvers for the cardiac bidomain equations
EJ Vigmond, RW Dos Santos, AJ Prassl, M Deo, G Plank
Progress in biophysics and molecular biology 96 (1-3), 3-18, 2008
Algebraic multigrid preconditioner for the cardiac bidomain model
G Plank, M Liebmann, RW dos Santos, EJ Vigmond, G Haase
IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering 54 (4), 585-596, 2007
CellML and associated tools and techniques
A Garny, DP Nickerson, J Cooper, RW Santos, AK Miller, S McKeever, ...
Philosophical transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, physical …, 2008
Parallel multigrid preconditioner for the cardiac bidomain model
RW dos Santos, G Plank, S Bauer, EJ Vigmond
IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering 51 (11), 1960-1968, 2004
Characterization of the COVID-19 pandemic and the impact of uncertainties, mitigation strategies, and underreporting of cases in South Korea, Italy, and Brazil
RF Reis, B de Melo Quintela, J de Oliveira Campos, JM Gomes, ...
Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 136, 109888, 2020
Creation and application of virtual patient cohorts of heart models
SA Niederer, Y Aboelkassem, CD Cantwell, C Corrado, S Coveney, ...
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A 378 (2173), 20190558, 2020
Considering discrepancy when calibrating a mechanistic electrophysiology model
CL Lei, S Ghosh, DG Whittaker, Y Aboelkassem, KA Beattie, CD Cantwell, ...
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A 378 (2173), 20190349, 2020
Performance evaluation of GPU parallelization, space‐time adaptive algorithms, and their combination for simulating cardiac electrophysiology
R Sachetto Oliveira, B Martins Rocha, D Burgarelli, W Meira Jr, ...
International journal for numerical methods in biomedical engineering 34 (2 …, 2018
Comparing CUDA and OpenGL implementations for a Jacobi iteration
R Amorim, G Haase, M Liebmann, RW Dos Santos
2009 International Conference on High Performance Computing & Simulation, 22-32, 2009
On the computational modeling of the innate immune system
AB Pigozzo, GC Macedo, RW Dos Santos, M Lobosco
BMC bioinformatics 14, 1-20, 2013
Reentry and ectopic pacemakers emerge in a three-dimensional model for a slab of cardiac tissue with diffuse microfibrosis near the percolation threshold
S Alonso, RW Dos Santos, M Bär
PloS one 11 (11), e0166972, 2016
An efficient finite element approach for modeling fibrotic clefts in the heart
CM Costa, FO Campos, AJ Prassl, RW dos Santos, D Sánchez-Quintana, ...
IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering 61 (3), 900-910, 2013
An audit of uncertainty in multi-scale cardiac electrophysiology models
RH Clayton, Y Aboelkassem, CD Cantwell, C Corrado, T Delhaas, ...
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A 378 (2173), 20190335, 2020
Ectopic beats arise from micro-reentries near infarct regions in simulations of a patient-specific heart model
RS Oliveira, S Alonso, FO Campos, BM Rocha, JF Fernandes, T Kuehne, ...
Scientific reports 8 (1), 16392, 2018
Characterisation of omicron variant during COVID-19 pandemic and the impact of vaccination, transmission rate, mortality, and reinfection in South Africa, Germany, and Brazil
C Ribeiro Xavier, R Sachetto Oliveira, V da Fonseca Vieira, M Lobosco, ...
BioTech 11 (2), 12, 2022
Uncertainty quantification and sensitivity analysis for relative permeability models of two-phase flow in porous media
AR Valdez, BM Rocha, G Chapiro, RW dos Santos
Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 192, 107297, 2020
Uncertainty quantification and sensitivity analysis of left ventricular function during the full cardiac cycle
JO Campos, J Sundnes, RW Dos Santos, BM Rocha
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A 378 (2173), 20190381, 2020
Electroanatomical characterization of atrial microfibrosis in a histologically detailed computer model
FO Campos, T Wiener, AJ Prassl, RW dos Santos, D Sánchez-Quintana, ...
IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering 60 (8), 2339-2349, 2013
Lattice Boltzmann method for parallel simulations of cardiac electrophysiology using GPUs
JO Campos, RS Oliveira, RW dos Santos, BM Rocha
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 295, 70-82, 2016
Preconditioning techniques for the bidomain equations
RW Dos Santos, G Plank, S Bauer, EJ Vigmond
Domain Decomposition Methods in Science and Engineering, 571-580, 2005
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Articles 1–20