Georg Keller
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Cited by
Predictive processing: a canonical cortical computation
GB Keller, TD Mrsic-Flogel
Neuron 100 (2), 424-435, 2018
Sensorimotor mismatch signals in primary visual cortex of the behaving mouse
GB Keller, T Bonhoeffer, M Hübener
Neuron 74 (5), 809-815, 2012
Learning enhances sensory and multiple non-sensory representations in primary visual cortex
J Poort, AG Khan, M Pachitariu, A Nemri, I Orsolic, J Krupic, M Bauza, ...
Neuron 86 (6), 1478-1490, 2015
A sensorimotor circuit in mouse cortex for visual flow predictions
M Leinweber, DR Ward, JM Sobczak, A Attinger, GB Keller
Neuron 95 (6), 1420-1432. e5, 2017
Synaptic scaling and homeostatic plasticity in the mouse visual cortex in vivo
T Keck, GB Keller, RI Jacobsen, UT Eysel, T Bonhoeffer, M Hübener
Neuron 80 (2), 327-334, 2013
Experience-dependent spatial expectations in mouse visual cortex
A Fiser, D Mahringer, HK Oyibo, AV Petersen, M Leinweber, GB Keller
Nature neuroscience 19 (12), 1658-1664, 2016
Neural processing of auditory feedback during vocal practice in a songbird
GB Keller, RHR Hahnloser
Nature 457 (7226), 187-190, 2009
Single-cell–initiated monosynaptic tracing reveals layer-specific cortical network modules
A Wertz, S Trenholm, K Yonehara, D Hillier, Z Raics, M Leinweber, ...
Science 349 (6243), 70-74, 2015
Visuomotor coupling shapes the functional development of mouse visual cortex
A Attinger, B Wang, GB Keller
Cell 169 (7), 1291-1302. e14, 2017
Mismatch receptive fields in mouse visual cortex
P Zmarz, GB Keller
Neuron 92 (4), 766-772, 2016
Opposing influence of top-down and bottom-up input on excitatory layer 2/3 neurons in mouse primary visual cortex
R Jordan, GB Keller
Neuron 108 (6), 1194-1206. e5, 2020
Deprivation-induced homeostatic spine scaling in vivo is localized to dendritic branches that have undergone recent spine loss
SJ Barnes, E Franzoni, RI Jacobsen, F Erdelyi, G Szabo, C Clopath, ...
Neuron 96 (4), 871-882. e5, 2017
Subnetwork-specific homeostatic plasticity in mouse visual cortex in vivo
SJ Barnes, RP Sammons, RI Jacobsen, J Mackie, GB Keller, T Keck
Neuron 86 (5), 1290-1303, 2015
Mouse motor cortex coordinates the behavioral response to unpredicted sensory feedback
M Heindorf, S Arber, GB Keller
Neuron 99 (5), 1040-1054. e5, 2018
Rapid interhemispheric switching during vocal production in a songbird
CZH Wang, JA Herbst, GB Keller, RHR Hahnloser
PLoS biology 6 (10), e250, 2008
A cortical circuit for audio-visual predictions
AR Garner, GB Keller
Nature neuroscience 25 (1), 98-105, 2022
Two-photon calcium imaging in mice navigating a virtual reality environment
M Leinweber, P Zmarz, P Buchmann, P Argast, M Hübener, T Bonhoeffer, ...
Journal of visualized experiments: JoVE, 50885, 2014
Selective persistence of sensorimotor mismatch signals in visual cortex of behaving Alzheimer’s disease mice
S Liebscher, GB Keller, PM Goltstein, T Bonhoeffer, M Hübener
Current Biology 26 (7), 956-964, 2016
Neocartilage Formation in 1 g, Simulated, and Microgravity Environments: Implications for Tissue Engineering
V Stamenković, G Keller, D Nesic, A Cogoli, SP Grogan
Tissue Engineering Part A 16 (5), 1729-1736, 2010
Stimulus relevance modulates contrast adaptation in visual cortex
AJ Keller, R Houlton, BM Kampa, NA Lesica, TD Mrsic-Flogel, GB Keller, ...
Elife 6, e21589, 2017
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Articles 1–20