Kelly L. Markowski
Kelly L. Markowski
Research Consultant, Government Resource Center (GRC) at The Ohio State University
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Cited by
Cited by
“If I became a vegan, my family and friends would hate me:” Anticipating vegan stigma as a barrier to plant-based diets
KL Markowski, S Roxburgh
Appetite 135, 1-9, 2019
Identity theory paradigm integration: Assessing the role of prominence and salience in the verification and self-esteem relationship
KL Markowski, RT Serpe
Advances in group processes, 75-102, 2018
Identity processes and food choice: predictors of dietary lapses among ethical and health vegans
KL Markowski
The Journal of Social Psychology 163 (3), 294-310, 2023
Prominence–salience combinations and self-esteem: Do magnitude and congruity matter?
KL Markowski, RT Serpe
Social Psychology Quarterly 84 (4), 353-375, 2021
Practical problems and positive experiences with ecological momentary assessment: reflections from people who use drugs
KL Markowski, JA Smith, GR Gauthier, SR Harcey
The American journal of drug and alcohol abuse 47 (3), 311-318, 2021
Patterns of missing data with ecological momentary assessment among people who use drugs: Feasibility study using pilot study data
KL Markowski, JA Smith, GR Gauthier, SR Harcey
JMIR Formative Research 5 (9), e31421, 2021
Short take: Collecting data from a vulnerable population during the COVID-19 pandemic
SR Harcey, R Gauthier, KL Markowski, JA Smith
Field methods 34 (3), 265-271, 2022
The structure of friendship: How network density influences identity verification
KL Markowski
Identities in action: Developments in identity theory, 265-284, 2021
Would I have your support? Family network features and past support exchanges associated with anticipated support for a substance problem
KL Markowski, JA Smith, GR Gauthier, SR Harcey
Journal of substance use 28 (1), 39-45, 2023
What Kinds of Support are Alaska Native Youth and Young Adults Reporting? An Examination of Types, Quantities, Sources, and Frequencies of Support
KL Markowski, L White, SR Harcey, T Schmidt, D McEachern, P Habecker, ...
Health promotion practice 24 (5), 863-872, 2023
Isolation, cohesion and contingent network effects: the case of school attachment and engagement.
GR Gauthier, JA Smith, S Harcey, K Markowski
Connections (02261766) 42 (1), 2022
Co-use among confidants: An examination of polysubstance use and personal relationships in southeastern Nebraska
GR Gauthier, K Markowski, JA Smith, S Harcey, B Johnston
Addictive behaviors 124, 107116, 2022
Black/Latinx Scientist or Black/Latinx and Scientist? Multiple Identities, Threat, and Self-Esteem Among Minority STEM Students
BJ Miller, KL Markowski
Advancing Identity Theory, Measurement, and Research, 275-296, 2023
The Importance of Where: The Role of Place in Identity Theory
TR Rose, KL Markowski
Advancing Identity Theory, Measurement, and Research, 35-58, 2023
Continued Refinements of Identity Salience: A Multidimensional Specification
KL Markowski, RT Serpe
Social Psychology Quarterly, 01902725241311016, 2025
Vegan Stigma
KL Markowski
The Plant-based and Vegan Handbook: Psychological and Multidisciplinary …, 2024
Gender, social networks and resilience during the COVID-19 pandemic
GR Gauthier, KL Markowski
A Research Agenda for Social Networks and Social Resilience, 17-30, 2022
Are the Benefits of Self-Complexity Conditional? Evidence for the Strengthening (and Weakening) Role of Multiplex Ties
KL Markowski
Advances in Group Processes, 97-118, 2022
Index to Volume 84 Social Psychology Quarterly 2021
DM Bakker, A Barve, WA Beach, JL Burnette, ME Campbell, MA Cohen, ...
Social Psychology Quarterly 84 (4), 398-399, 2021
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Articles 1–19