Alberto Jaime
Alberto Jaime
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The Mexico earthquake of September 19, 1985—Relationships between soil conditions and earthquake ground motions
HB Seed, MP Romo, JI Sun, A Jaime, J Lysmer
Earthquake spectra 4 (4), 687-729, 1988
Relationships between soil conditions and earthquake ground motions in Mexico City in the earthquake of September 19, 1985
HB Seed, MP Romo, JL Sun, A Jaime, J Lysmer
Rpt. No. UCB/EERC-87 15, 1987
The Mexico earthquake of September 19, 1985—General soil conditions and clay properties in the Valley of Mexico
MP Romo, A Jaime, D Resendiz
Earthquake spectra 4 (4), 731-752, 1988
Relationships between soil conditions and earthquake ground motions in Mexico City in the earthquake of Sept. 19, 1985
HB Seed, MP Romo, J Sun, A Jaime, J Lysmer
Rep. No. UCB/EERC-87 15, 1987
Métodos de valuación de externalidades ambientales provocadas por obras de ingeniería
A Jaime, RO Tinoco-López
Ingeniería, investigación y tecnología 7 (2), 105-119, 2006
The Mexico earthquake of September 19, 1985—Correlations between dynamic and static properties of Mexico City clay
A Jaime, MP Romo
Earthquake spectra 4 (4), 787-804, 1988
Características dinámicas de la arcilla del valle de México
A Jaime
Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, 1987
Dynamic characteristics of some clays of the Mexico Valley and seismic response of the ground
MP Romo, A Jaime
Mexico City: Instituto de Ingenieria, 1986
Analysis of piles in residual soil from granite considering residual loads
AJPV da Fonseca, J Alberto, EC Esteves, F Massad
Behavior of friction piles in Mexico City clay
A Jaime, MP Romo, D Reséndiz
Journal of geotechnical engineering 116 (6), 915-931, 1990
Relationships between soil conditions and earthquake ground motions in Mexico City in the Earthquake of September 19, 1985. College of Engineering
HB Seed, MP Romo, J Sun, A Jaime, J Lysmer
University of California, Berkeley, California, 1987
Estudio de suelos de la estación de enseñanza, investigación y servicios forestales de Zoquiapan
C Rey
Universidad Autónoma Chapingo. Información técnica. México, 1975
Caracteristica dinamicas de las arcillas del valle de exico y analysis de respuesta sismica del suelo: primera etapa
MP Romo, A Jaime-Paredes
Instituto de Ingeniería, UNAM, 1986
Dynamic properties of soils-preliminary study
JL Leon, A Jaime, A Rabago
Institute of Engineering, UNAM, 1974
Evolution of Mexico City clay properties affected by land subsidence
A JAIME P, E Mendes-Sanchez
IAHS-AISH publication 339, 232-234, 2010
Environmental persistence of pesticides and their ecotoxicity: A review of natural degradation processes; Persistencia de plaguicidas en el ambiente y su ecotoxicidad: Una …
JF Narvaez Valderrama, JA Palacio Baena, FJ Molina Perez
Gestion y Ambiente 15, 2012
Seismic induced settlement in a building
AP Jaime
8th Pan-American Congress on Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering, 257-275, 1987
Water management in Mexico: a framework
AJ Paredes
Water international 22 (3), 135-139, 1997
Geotecnia y sismicidad en el Valle de México
A Jaime
Instituto de Ingenería, UNAM, 1988
The Mexico Earthquake of September 19, 1985
HB Seed, MP Romo, JI Sun, A Jaime, J Lysmer
Earthquake Spectra, 687-729, 1988
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Articles 1–20