Tracy Beedy
Tracy Beedy
CGIAR ICRAF World Agroforestry Centre
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Carbon sequestration and net emissions of CH4 and N2O under agroforestry: Synthesizing available data and suggestions for future studies
DG Kim, MUF Kirschbaum, TL Beedy
Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 226, 65-78, 2016
Impact of Gliricidia sepium intercropping on soil organic matter fractions in a maize-based cropping system
TL Beedy, SS Snapp, FK Akinnifesi, GW Sileshi
Agriculture, ecosystems & environment 138 (3-4), 139-146, 2010
Challenges and opportunities in linking carbon sequestration, livelihoods and ecosystem service provision in drylands
LC Stringer, AJ Dougill, AD Thomas, DV Spracklen, S Chesterman, ...
Environmental science & policy 19, 121-135, 2012
Variation in maize yield gaps with plant nutrient inputs, soil type and climate across sub-Saharan Africa
G Sileshi, FK Akinnifesi, LK Debusho, T Beedy, OC Ajayi, S Mong’omba
Field Crops Research 116 (1-2), 1-13, 2010
Carbon sequestration potential of agroforestry systems in Africa
E Luedeling, G Sileshi, T Beedy, J Dietz
Carbon sequestration potential of agroforestry systems: Opportunities and …, 2011
Agroforestry: Fertilizer Trees.
GW Sileshi, P Mafongoya, FK Akinnifesi, E Phiri, P Chirwa, T Beedy, ...
Elsevier, 2014
Responding to crop failure: Understanding farmers’ coping strategies in Southern Malawi
JY Coulibaly, GA Gbetibouo, G Kundhlande, GW Sileshi, TL Beedy
Sustainability 7 (2), 1620-1636, 2015
Mapping vulnerability to climate change in Malawi: spatial and social differentiation in the Shire River Basin
JY Coulibaly, C Mbow, GW Sileshi, T Beedy, G Kundhlande, J Musau
American Journal of Climate Change 4 (3), 282-294, 2015
Tree seed and seedling supply systems: a review of the Asia, Africa and Latin America models
BI Nyoka, J Roshetko, R Jamnadass, J Muriuki, A Kalinganire, JPB Lillesø, ...
Small-scale Forestry 14, 171-191, 2015
Scaling up agroforestry to achieve food security and environmental protection among smallholder farmers in Malawi
TL Beedy, OC Ajayi, GW Sileshi, G Kundhlande, G Chiundu, AJ Simons
Field Actions Science Reports. The journal of field actions, 2013
Fertilizer trees. Encyclopedia of agriculture and food systems
GW Sileshi, PL Mafongoya, FK Akinnifesi, E Phiri, P Chirwa, T Beedy, ...
Elsevier, San Diego, 2014
Climate change vulnerability of agroforestry
H Neufeldt, IK Dawson, E Luedeling, OC Ajayi, T Beedy, A Gebrekirstos, ...
Nairobi: ICRAF, 2012
Allometric equations for estimating above-ground biomass and carbon stock in Faidherbia albida under contrasting management in Malawi
TL Beedy, TF Chanyenga, FK Akinnifesi, GW Sileshi, BI Nyoka, ...
Agroforestry Systems 90, 1061-1076, 2016
Modelling the scaling of stem growth with crown size and optimum stocking densities for systematic grid plantation of Faidherbia albida
GW Sileshi, BI Nyoka, TL Beedy, T Chanyenga
New forests 45 (5), 699-714, 2014
Do we expect formation of growth rings on species with reverse phenology
A Gebrekirstos, T Beedy, G Sileshi, H Neufeldt
Trace 12, 121-125, 2014
Land health surveillance for four sites in Malawi
T Beedy, J Njoloma, E Aynekulu, R Coe, B Takoutsing, K Shepherd
Working Paper Number 192, 2015
Responding to crop failure: Understanding farmers’ coping strategies in Southern Malawi. Sustainability, 7 (2), 1620-1636
J Coulibaly, G Gbetibouo, G Kundhlande, G Sileshi, T Beedy
11 Agroforestry for Small Landholders of Eastern and Southern Africa
TL Beedy, G Nyamadzawo, E Luedeling, DG Kim, F Place, K Hadgu
Soil Management of Smallholder Agriculture, 237, 2014
Impact of fertilizer trees on maize production and food security in six districts of Malawi
AB Mwalwanda, OC Ajayi, FK Akinnifesi, T Beedy, G Sileshi, G Chiundu
ICRAF Working Paper, 2012
Phosphorus fertilization of alfalfa on coastal plain soils
TL Beedy
Texas A&M University, 2000
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Articles 1–20