Daniel L. Farkas
Daniel L. Farkas
Acceleritas Corporation
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Isolation of cancer stem cells from adult glioblastoma multiforme
X Yuan, J Curtin, Y Xiong, G Liu, S Waschsmann-Hogiu, DL Farkas, ...
Oncogene 23 (58), 9392-9400, 2004
Identification of amyloid plaques in retinas from Alzheimer's patients and noninvasive in vivo optical imaging of retinal plaques in a mouse model
M Koronyo-Hamaoui, Y Koronyo, AV Ljubimov, CA Miller, MHK Ko, ...
Neuroimage 54, S204-S217, 2011
Enhancement of axial resolution in fluorescence microscopy by standing-wave excitation
B Bailey, DL Farkas, DL Taylor, F Lanni
Nature 366 (6450), 44-48, 1993
Simultaneous imaging of cell and mitochondrial membrane potentials
DL Farkas, MD Wei, P Febbroriello, JH Carson, LM Loew
Biophysical journal 56 (6), 1053-1069, 1989
Dual-wavelength ratiometric fluorescence measurements of membrane potential
V Montana, DL Farkas, LM Loew
Biochemistry 28 (11), 4536-4539, 1989
Tumor detection and elimination by a targeted gallium corrole
H Agadjanian, J Ma, A Rentsendorj, V Valluripalli, JY Hwang, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 106 (15), 6105-6110, 2009
Tumor labeling in vivo using cyanine-conjugated monoclonal antibodies
B Ballou, GW Fisher, AS Waggoner, DL Farkas, JM Reiland, R Jaffe, ...
Cancer Immunology, Immunotherapy 41, 257-263, 1995
Clinical and translational advances in esophageal squamous cell carcinoma
ZW Reichenbach, MG Murray, R Saxena, D Farkas, EG Karassik, ...
Advances in cancer research 144, 95-135, 2019
Non-invasive image acquisition and advanced processing in optical bioimaging
DL Farkas, C Du, GW Fisher, C Lau, W Niu, ES Wachman, RM Levenson
Computerized medical imaging and graphics 22 (2), 89-102, 1998
Isolation of tumour stem-like cells from benign tumours
Q Xu, X Yuan, P Tunici, G Liu, X Fan, M Xu, J Hu, JY Hwang, DL Farkas, ...
British journal of cancer 101 (2), 303-311, 2009
Biomedical optical imaging
JG Fujimoto, D Farkas
Oxford University Press, 2009
Non-invasive imaging of living human skin with dual-wavelength optical coherence tomography in two and three dimensions
Y Pan, DL Farkas
Journal of biomedical optics 3 (4), 446-455, 1998
Polycefin, a New Prototype of a Multifunctional Nanoconjugate Based on Poly(β-l-malic acid) for Drug Delivery
BS Lee, M Fujita, NM Khazenzon, KA Wawrowsky, S Wachsmann-Hogiu, ...
Bioconjugate chemistry 17 (2), 317-326, 2006
AOTF microscope for imaging with increased speed and spectral versatility
ES Wachman, W Niu, DL Farkas
Biophysical journal 73 (3), 1215-1222, 1997
3D PLGA scaffolds improve differentiation and function of bone marrow mesenchymal stem cell–derived hepatocytes
J Li, R Tao, W Wu, H Cao, J Xin, J Li, J Guo, L Jiang, C Gao, ...
Stem cells and development 19 (9), 1427-1436, 2010
Near-simultaneous hemoglobin saturation and oxygen tension maps in mouse brain using an AOTF microscope
RD Shonat, ES Wachman, W Niu, AP Koretsky, DL Farkas
Biophysical journal 73 (3), 1223-1231, 1997
Attenuation of AD‐like neuropathology by harnessing peripheral immune cells: Local elevation of IL‐10 and MMP‐9
M Koronyo‐Hamaoui, MHK Ko, Y Koronyo, D Azoulay, A Seksenyan, ...
Journal of neurochemistry 111 (6), 1409-1424, 2009
Nanoconjugate based on polymalic acid for tumor targeting
JY Ljubimova, M Fujita, NM Khazenzon, BS Lee, S Wachsmann-Hogiu, ...
Chemico-biological interactions 171 (2), 195-203, 2008
Induction of potent antitumor immunity by intratumoral injection of interleukin 23–transduced dendritic cells
J Hu, X Yuan, ML Belladonna, JM Ong, S Wachsmann-Hogiu, DL Farkas, ...
Cancer research 66 (17), 8887-8896, 2006
Membrane potential induced by external electric field pulses can be followed with a potentiometric dye
B Ehrenberg, DL Farkas, EN Fluhler, Z Lojewska, LM Loew
Biophysical journal 51 (5), 833-837, 1987
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