Tengfei Wu
Tengfei Wu
Xi'an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics (XIOPM), Chinese Academy of Sciences
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Single-shot diffraction-limited imaging through scattering layers via bispectrum analysis
T Wu, O Katz, X Shao, S Gigan
Optics Letters 41 (21), 5003-5006, 2016
Imaging through scattering layers exceeding memory effect range by exploiting prior information
C Guo, J Liu, W Li, T Wu, L Zhu, J Wang, G Wang, X Shao
Optics Communications 434, 203-208, 2019
Tracking moving targets behind a scattering medium via speckle correlation
C Guo, J Liu, T Wu, L Zhu, X Shao
Applied optics 57 (4), 905-913, 2018
Imaging through a thin scattering layer and jointly retrieving the point-spread-function using phase-diversity
T Wu, J Dong, X Shao, S Gigan
Optics express 25 (22), 27182-27194, 2017
Simulation on light refocusing through a highly scattering turbid medium using circular Gaussian distribution model
X Shao, T Wu, C Gong
Optical Engineering 52 (11), 113104-113104, 2013
Non-invasive single-shot recovery of a point-spread function of a memory effect based scattering imaging system
T Wu, J Dong, S Gigan
Optics Letters 45 (19), 5397-5400, 2020
Color imaging through scattering media based on phase retrieval with triple correlation
L Zhu, Y Wu, J Liu, T Wu, L Liu, X Shao
Optics and Lasers in Engineering 124, 105796, 2020
Simulation and experimental verification for imaging of gray-scale objects through scattering layers
H Li, T Wu, J Liu, C Gong, X Shao
Applied Optics 55 (34), 9731-9737, 2016
Lensless imaging through thin scattering layers under broadband illumination
W Li, B Wang, T Wu, F Xu, X Shao
Photonics Research 10 (11), 2471-2487, 2022
Total variation optimization for imaging through turbid media with transmission matrix
C Gong, X Shao, T Wu, J Liu, J Zhang
Optical Engineering 55 (12), 121703-121703, 2016
Reference-less complex wavefields characterization with a high-resolution wavefront sensor
T Wu, P Berto, M Guillon
Applied Physics Letters 118 (25), 2021
Local surface chemistry dynamically monitored by quantitative phase microscopy
V Brasiliense, JF Audibert, T Wu, G Tessier, P Berto, F Miomandre
Small Methods 6 (1), 2100737, 2022
Non-invasive imaging through thin scattering layers with broadband illumination
T Wu, C Guo, X Shao
arXiv preprint arXiv:1809.06854, 2018
3D nanoparticle superlocalization with a thin diffuser
T Wu, M Guillon, C Gentner, H Rigneault, G Tessier, P Bon, P Berto
Optics Letters 47 (12), 3079-3082, 2022
Recovering the spectral and spatial information of an object behind a scattering media
L Zhu, JT Liu, L Feng, CF Guo, TF Wu, XP Shao
OSA Continuum 1 (2), 553-563, 2018
Imaging through a highly scattering medium with structural similarity and genetic algorithm
T Wu, X Shao, C Gong, W Dai
Optical Engineering 53 (10), 103101-103101, 2014
Multiplexed wavefront sensing with a thin diffuser
T Wu, M Guillon, G Tessier, P Berto
Optica 11 (2), 297-304, 2024
Single-shot digital optical fluorescence phase conjugation through forward multiple-scattering samples
T Wu, Y Zhang, B Blochet, P Arjmand, P Berto, M Guillon
Science Advances 10 (3), eadi1120, 2024
Polarization-selective dynamically tunable multispectral Fano resonances: Decomposing of subgroup plasmonic resonances
J Liu, X Zhao, R Gong, T Wu, C Gong, X Shao
Optics Express 23 (21), 27343-27353, 2015
Speckle-correlation imaging through highly scattering turbid media with LED illumination
X Shao, W Dai, T Wu, H Li, L Wang
Smart Biomedical and Physiological Sensor Technology XII 9487, 142-149, 2015
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Articles 1–20