Musa Yakubu Tula, PhD
Musa Yakubu Tula, PhD
Fed Poly Mubi, Nigeria
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Current trends of immunization in Nigeria: prospect and challenges
EA Ophori, MY Tula, AV Azih, R Okojie, PE Ikpo
Tropical medicine and health 42 (2), 67-75, 2014
Current trends of immunization in Nigeria: prospect and challenges. Trop Med Health. 2014; 42 (2): 67–75. doi: 10.2149
EA Ophori, MY Tula, AV Azih, R Okojie, PE Ikpo
tmh, 2013
Distribution and antibiotic susceptibility pattern of bacterial pathogens causing urinary tract infection in Mubi general hospital, Yola-Nigeria.
MY Tula, O Iyoha
Studies on phytochemical constituents and antibacterial potentials of extracts of Balanites aegyptiaca (Del.) parts on antibiotic resistant bacterial isolates.
MY Tula, TB Danchal, FO Iruolaje, GA Onyeje
Antimicrobial susceptibility pattern and plasmid-mediated antibacterial resistance in Staphylococcus aureus and coagulase-negative staphylococci
Tula, MY, O AV, RO Okojie, O Iyoha
Highland Medical Research Journal 16 (2), 80-86, 2016
Antibiotic resistance: challenges and prospect for therapy in developing countries
M Tula, O Iyoha, F Iruolaje
Br J Pharm Res 8 (3), 1-16, 2015
A Cross-sectional Study on the Sero-prevalence of Hepatitis B Surface Antigen (HBsAg) among Apparently Healthy Students of a Tertiary Institution in North-Eastern Nigeria
MY Tula, O Iyoha
Int. J. Trop. Dis. Health 7 (3), 102-8, 2015
Screening for some virulent factors among bacterial isolates from surfaces of hospital fomites and hands of healthcare workers
MY Tula, J Filgona, SE Kyauta, R Elisha
Cellular, Molecular and Biomedical Reports 3 (1), 9-16, 2023
Isolation and identification of keratinolytic bacteria that exhibit feather-degrading potentials
FO Iruolaje, J Ogbeba, MY Tula, JA Ijebor, BA Dogo
J Adv Biol Biotechnol 5 (2), 1-9, 2016
Systematic study on comparing phytochemicals and the antimicrobial activities from different parts of V. amygdalina
MY Tula, AV Azih, FO Iruolaje, RO Okojie, KO Elimian, BD Toy
African Journal of Microbiology Research 6 (43), 7089-7093, 2012
Effect of Chrysanthemum indicum aqueous extract on some biochemical and haematological parameters in albino rats
B Hussaini, MY Tula, GA Onyeje, GG Memi, UI Nne
International Journal of Biochemistry Research & Review 22 (4), 1-8, 2018
A cross-sectional study on the seroprevalence of HBsAg among apparently healthy students of a tertiary institution in North-eastern Nigeria
MY Tula, O Iyoha
Int J Trop Dis Health 7 (3), 102-108, 2015
Current trends of immunization in Nigeria: prospect and challenges. Trop Med Health. 2014; 42: 67-75
EA Ophori, MY Tula, AV Azih, R Okojie, PE Ikpo
A comprehensive study on the physicochemical characteristics of two water sources from the Adamawa North senatorial zone, Nigeria
MY Tula, OI Enabulele, EA Ophori, AS Aziegbemhin
Public Health Toxicology 2 (4), 1-13, 2022
Phenotypic and molecular detection of multi-drug resistant Enterobacteriaceae species from water sources in Adamawa-North senatorial zone, Nigeria
MY Tula, OI Enabulele, AE Ophori, AS Aziegbemhin, O Iyoha, J Filgona
DYSONA-Life Science, 57-68, 2022
Current trends of immunization in Nigeria: prospect and challenges. Trop Med Health 2014; 42 (2): 67-75
EA Ophori, MY Tula, AV Azih, R Okojie, PE Ikpo
PubMed, 0
A Systematic review on the status of diarrheagenic Escherichia coli (DEC) pathotypes in Nigeria; the year 2000 – 2022
MY Tula, J Filgona, MS Puluma
Cellular, Molecular, and Biomedical Reports 2 (4), 213-229, 2022
Bacteriological quality assessment of two sources of water supplies in Mubi, North-eastern Nigeria
MY Tula, GA Onyeje, A John
World Scientific News 111, 100-110, 2018
Sachet Water Syndrome: A Potential Vehicle for the Transmission of Antibiotic Resistance Pathogenic Organisms
MY Tula, O Iyoha
Nature and Science 12 (3), 59-65, 2014
In vitro antimicrobial activity and preliminary screening of the leaf extracts of Vernonia amygdalina
MY Tula, FO Irulaje, B Toy
Yank. Journal 7, 73-77, 2011
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Articles 1–20