Rosalie J Hall
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Levels issues in theory development, data collection, and analysis
KJ Klein, F Dansereau, RJ Hall
Academy of Management review 19 (2), 195-229, 1994
Identity, deep structure and the development of leadership skill
RG Lord, RJ Hall
The leadership quarterly 16 (4), 591-615, 2005
Item parceling strategies in SEM: Investigating the subtle effects of unmodeled secondary constructs
RJ Hall, AF Snell, MS Foust
Organizational Research Methods 2 (3), 233-256, 1999
Self-regulation at work
RG Lord, JM Diefendorff, AM Schmidt, RJ Hall
Annual review of psychology 61 (1), 543-568, 2010
Contextual constraints on prototype generation and their multilevel consequences for leadership perceptions
RG Lord, DJ Brown, JL Harvey, RJ Hall
The Leadership Quarterly 12 (3), 311-338, 2001
Applying multilevel confirmatory factor analysis techniques to the study of leadership
NG Dyer, PJ Hanges, RJ Hall
The leadership quarterly 16 (1), 149-167, 2005
Gender differences in alexithymia.
RF Levant, RJ Hall, CM Williams, NT Hasan
Psychology of men & masculinity 10 (3), 190, 2009
Placing perceptions of politics in the context of the feedback environment, employee attitudes, and job performance.
CC Rosen, PE Levy, RJ Hall
Journal of applied psychology 91 (1), 211, 2006
Action–state orientation: Construct validity of a revised measure and its relationship to work-related variables.
JM Diefendorff, RJ Hall, RG Lord, ML Strean
Journal of Applied Psychology 85 (2), 250, 2000
Male Role Norms Inventory–Short Form (MRNI-SF): Development, confirmatory factor analytic investigation of structure, and measurement invariance across gender.
RF Levant, RJ Hall, TJ Rankin
Journal of counseling psychology 60 (2), 228, 2013
The role of leader-member exchange in the performance appraisal process
JD Elicker, PE Levy, RJ Hall
Journal of Management 32 (4), 531-551, 2006
Members of great teams think alike: A model of team effectiveness and schema similarity among team members.
JR Rentsch, RJ Hall
Elsevier Science/JAI Press, 1994
Career boundarylessness and career success: A review, integration and guide to future research
Y Guan, MB Arthur, SN Khapova, RJ Hall, RG Lord
Journal of vocational behavior 110, 390-402, 2019
Multi-level information-processing explanations of followers' leadership perceptions
RJ Hall, RG Lord
The Leadership Quarterly 6 (3), 265-287, 1995
Psychological separation, attachment security, vocational self-concept crystallization, and career indecision: A structural equation analysis.
DM Tokar, JR Withrow, RJ Hall, B Moradi
Journal of Counseling Psychology 50 (1), 3, 2003
The role of employee reactions in predicting training effectiveness
JA Tan, RJ Hall, C Boyce
Human resource development quarterly 14 (4), 397-411, 2003
Physical health and posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms in women experiencing intimate partner violence
SJ Woods, RJ Hall, JC Campbell, DM Angott
Journal of midwifery & women's health 53 (6), 538-546, 2008
Contemporary views of leadership and individual differences
RG Lord, RJ Hall
The Leadership Quarterly 3 (2), 137-157, 1992
Assessing salivary C-reactive protein: longitudinal associations with systemic inflammation and cardiovascular disease risk in women exposed to intimate partner violence
D Out, RJ Hall, DA Granger, GG Page, SJ Woods
Brain, behavior, and immunity 26 (4), 543-551, 2012
Sex, task, and behavioral flexibility effects on leadership perceptions
RJ Hall, JW Workman, CA Marchioro
Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes 74 (1), 1-32, 1998
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