Walter A. Petersen
Walter A. Petersen
NASA, Marshall Space Flight Center
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Cited by
Cited by
The Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM) mission for science and society
G Skofronick-Jackson, WA Petersen, W Berg, C Kidd, EF Stocker, ...
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 98 (8), 1679-1695, 2017
Global precipitation measurement: Methods, datasets and applications
FJ Tapiador, FJ Turk, W Petersen, AY Hou, E García-Ortega, ...
Atmospheric Research 104, 70-97, 2012
Total lightning activity as an indicator of updraft characteristics
W Deierling, WA Petersen
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 113 (D16), 2008
Regional variability in tropical convection: Observations from TRMM
WA Petersen, SA Rutledge
Journal of climate 14 (17), 3566-3586, 2001
On the relationship between cloud‐to‐ground lightning and convective rainfall
WA Petersen, SA Rutledge
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 103 (D12), 14025-14040, 1998
The relationship between lightning activity and ice fluxes in thunderstorms
W Deierling, WA Petersen, J Latham, S Ellis, HJ Christian
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 113 (D15), 2008
TRMM observations of the global relationship between ice water content and lightning
WA Petersen, HJ Christian, SA Rutledge
Geophysical research letters 32 (14), 2005
Evaluation of the New Version of the Laser-Optical Disdrometer, OTT Parsivel 2
A Tokay, DB Wolff, WA Petersen
Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology 31 (6), 1276-1288, 2014
Comparison of raindrop size distribution measurements by collocated disdrometers
A Tokay, WA Petersen, P Gatlin, M Wingo
Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology 30 (8), 1672-1690, 2013
Lightning and severe weather: A comparison between total and cloud-to-ground lightning trends
CJ Schultz, WA Petersen, LD Carey
Weather and forecasting 26 (5), 744-755, 2011
Preliminary development and evaluation of lightning jump algorithms for the real-time detection of severe weather
CJ Schultz, WA Petersen, LD Carey
Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology 48 (12), 2543-2563, 2009
The severe thunderstorm electrification and precipitation study
TJ Lang, LJ Miller, M Weisman, SA Rutledge, LJ Barker III, VN Bringi, ...
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 85 (8), 1107-1126, 2004
Cloud-to-ground lightning observations from TOGA COARE: Selected results and lightning location algorithms
WA Petersen, SA Rutledge, RE Orville
Monthly weather review 124 (4), 602-620, 1996
Mesoscale and radar observations of the Fort Collins flash flood of 28 July 1997
WA Petersen, LD Carey, SA Rutledge, JC Knievel, NJ Doesken, ...
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 80 (2), 191-216, 1999
Radar observations of the kinematic, microphysical, and precipitation characteristics of two MCSs in TRMM LBA
R Cifelli, WA Petersen, LD Carey, SA Rutledge, MAF da Silva Dias
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 107 (D20), LBA 44-1-LBA 44-16, 2002
Evaluation of GPM IMERG Early, Late, and Final rainfall estimates using WegenerNet gauge data in southeastern Austria
U Foelsche, G Kirchengast, J Fuchsberger, J Tan, WA Petersen
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 21 (12), 6559-6572, 2017
The olympic mountains experiment (OLYMPEX)
RA Houze, LA McMurdie, WA Petersen, MR Schwaller, W Baccus, ...
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 98 (10), 2167-2188, 2017
The midlatitude continental convective clouds experiment (MC3E)
MP Jensen, WA Petersen, A Bansemer, N Bharadwaj, LD Carey, DJ Cecil, ...
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 97 (9), 1667-1686, 2016
North Alabama Lightning Mapping Array (LMA): VHF source retrieval algorithm and error analyses
WJ Koshak, RJ Solakiewicz, RJ Blakeslee, SJ Goodman, HJ Christian, ...
Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology 21 (4), 543-558, 2004
A novel approach to identify sources of errors in IMERG for GPM ground validation
J Tan, WA Petersen, A Tokay
Journal of Hydrometeorology 17 (9), 2477-2491, 2016
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Articles 1–20